Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1354 - 1356 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2275 fixed Implement group logos johnglover seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


Groups should be able to specify a URL to an image file for a group logo, the image will be shown on the group page.

Actually uploading an image file (rather than giving a URL) and cropping and resizing the file will be done later, for now just give a URL. (later ticket)

Further customisation of group pages (CSS, templates) also for later. (not sure if we really want this, but in a later ticket if so)

#1307 fixed Implement captcha for signup zephod rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 3 years ago.

  • Major issue with spam signup on
  • Suggest using recaptcha

Est cost: 1d

#540 fixed Implement caching in a systematic manner wwaites rgrp
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