Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1357 - 1359 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1611 duplicate Implement auth API calls for webstore/external use ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


As part of #1574 we decided that it would be better for webstore (and future external services) to be able to authenticate simply with CKAN-Core.

Currently webstore access the CKAN database to obtain the key for the user but it would be better if this connection was not so tightly bound and that webstore used an API as any other external service might.

Need to discuss further with dread

#671 fixed Implement and show user names in WUI pudo pudo
#1199 fixed Implement an email function for users. pudo pudo

Reported by pudo, 3 years ago.


We need an email function in CKAN to accept messages sent to users. The basic signature will be:

  • mail_user(user_obj, subject, body, mime_type='text/plain', headers={})

This has a number of use cases:

  • Retrieval of lost passwords
  • E-Mail confirmation

Finally, the mail function should be exposed in the API for sysadmin clients. This way we can have scripts traverse CKAN for 404s, invalid data or missing fields and ping users about that automatically (requires traversal by revision, not package, to get the associated users).


Note we have already written code like this (*and* tested it) in isitopen:

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