Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1360 - 1362 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#658 fixed Fix harvest source entity get method to default to returning 'None' rather than raising an exception johnbywater
#662 fixed Can't put entity that is returned by posting to package register sebbacon johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 4 years ago.


It's because Package carries several out-of-band values, which are snagged on the way back out. Entity get response also can't be posted.

However, post response can be re-posted (because it isn't the same as the register-post/entity-get responses.

An issue for CKAN too.

Sub-ticket of #961 (form, validation, model sync meta-ticket) and depends on that work.

#665 duplicate The system shall support withdrawing a harvested dataset or service from publication johnbywater johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 4 years ago.


Discussion between John and Peter:

Given we can identify a document, does the disappearance of a document from a registered source imply the disappearance of the metadata (such that we delete packages once the documents disappear from the registered source)?

I would expect a more explicit 'delete'. The UKLP Use Case Library describes this as "withdraw a dataset or service from publication" (part of UCD03 Maintain resources).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.