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Results (1405 - 1407 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1533 wontfix Make sure ckanext-wordpresser works on CKAN 1.5.1 rgrp amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


Superceded by #2234

Super ticket: #1508


The wordpresser extension does not work with ckan 1.5.1. The wordpress page is not loaded.

Looks like this changeset may be involved

I think that even before that changeset, the page was shown without any margins.

In any case, the extension seems to be too sensible to changes in the ckan layout so perhaps it should take into account the CKAN version and have a fixed set of xpaths and templates that work for each version

#1536 fixed Group deletion doesn't work dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


In the Web interface and API, an administrator can set the 'state' field of a group to 'deleted' but this change is ignored in the save/submit and it doesn't get deleted.

#1537 fixed Package create form wizard icmurray icmurray

Reported by icmurray, 2 years ago.


Create the form wizard for the package-new form.

Each section of the form will be a separate page as this was decided to be simpler than the alternative of making AJAX calls for validation at each stage. (*)

  • separate pages for each section of the form
  • validation carried out at each stage against the whole schema. Each section/page declares a list of schema keys that need to validate for that section to validate, and thus move onto the next section.
  • no draft saving to be performed in this ticket.

(*) - although the javascript alternative will probably provide better UX (each step would require a page-load in the wizard approach), it was decided that:

  • with the javascript approach it would be harder to test the workflow.
  • with the javascript approach there would be additional work displaying validation correctly. Although not that complicated, it was felt to add another point of failure.
  • the multi-page wizard is quicker and easier to implement, and if it provided poor UX, then the javascript approach would be used instead.
  • the multi-page wizard wouldn't preclude a javascript-tabbing create-form for other cases (where the wizard workflow wasn't such a good match, eg on the
  • the multi-page wizard wouldn't preclude a javascript-tabbing edit-form.
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