Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (139 - 141 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#194 | fixed | Check star ratings aren't influenced by search engine crawlers | rgrp | dread |
Description |
rel=nofollow or robots.txt ? |
#195 | fixed | Association listings should be alphabetically sorted (e.g. a group's packages) | rgrp | rgrp |
Description |
Where an item has an association listing (e.g. package's tags or group's packages) these should be sorted in a sensible way. For present choose to sort alphabetically by name. Cost: 2h |
#196 | fixed | RDF URI to resolve on CKAN | dread | dread |
Description |
Provide RDF version of a package at the RDF URI: See email on OKFN help: For the information to be Linked Data, the following URI (from the SPARQL call) should be resolvable to RDF, or an RDFa enhanced HTML page. |
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.