Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1414 - 1416 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1546 fixed Package metadata_created returns the wrong date johnglover johnglover

Reported by johnglover, 2 years ago.


metadata_created seems to be returning the date of the earliest revision (for all packages), rather than the earliest revision for a specific package.

#1547 fixed Add search methods (before and after) to the IPackageController interface amercader amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


Time estimate: 1d

Add a two search method to the IPackageController interface so extensions can:

  • Modify the query being sent to Solr
def before_search(search_params):

    return search_params

  • Modify the results returned (after_search)
def after_search(search_results, search_params):

    return search_results

Please see this pad for implementation details:

#1548 fixed Simplfy inheritance in functional tests dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


It's hard to understand what's going on with the functional tests because there is so much going on in inherited classes. Would be better to be explicit in constructors, even if it involves cut & paste.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.