Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1444 - 1446 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#43 fixed Generic Attributes for Packages rgrp rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 6 years ago.


As A


I Want To

Add arbitrary named attributes to packages (an attribute being a name, type, value triple).


  • We will do this using a dedicated (versioned) table associated to Package
  • Do we allow multiple attributes of the same name?
    • For the present: No (since we will key by attribute name)
    • Could allow for single attribute but with multiple values using json list ...
  • What types do we allow or do we just rely on JSON to take care of this?

Questions (Original)

  • How complex is this to implement?
  • What would an arbitrary user be able to edit? Possibilities:
    1. 'create new attribute' and setting the value (so name and type would be chosen from predefined list).
    2. 'create', setting of name and value (but not type -- type already set in predefined list)
  • Could just use (machine) tags -- though this could be seen as a bit of a hack.
  • Would solve having to create special file/url attributes (though I think that perhaps file stuff is important enough to merit first class support in the domain model -- though, that said, since one won't want to have a file limit adding unlimited file support is very similar to unlimited attributes of arbitrary type).
#1399 fixed Generate archiving request on resource url change johnglover rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 3 years ago.


Superticket: #1397

Generate archiving request on resource url change by implementing IResourceUrlChange and sending tasks to celery. [0.25d][0.25d]

Will be part of of ckanext-archiver extension.


  1. A resource is added to CKAN
  2. IResourceCreate event generated
  3. IF: resource url points to ckan storage or falls within some other set of exclusion conditions then END else continue
  4. Generate a Archiver.Update task with
#1298 fixed Generate activites to be put into activities table. kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 3 years ago.


This should be done from the logic layer or automatically from a session extension.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.