Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1453 - 1455 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#386 fixed Set limits in /etc/security/limits.conf johnbywater johnbywater
#1448 fixed Set up nice way to do celery deployment. kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 2 years ago.


Celery is awkward to deply, need to find a way to do it more simply. i.e using celery-pylons and supervisor. A modified version of celery-pylons may be the best solution. 1d

#395 duplicate Set up profiling to analyze performance issues pudo

Reported by pudo, 4 years ago.


At the moment, some pages within CKAN tend to load slowly. We should create a profiling setup in which we can measure response times for complete requests and individual methods calls.

This could be used to identify bottlenecks and find an appropriate caching or tuning strategy to improve CKAN performance.

NB: We should also agree on a maximum request latency.

TODO: Read up on all those QoS tickets to avoid overlapping efforts.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.