Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1507 - 1509 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1563 invalid Finish Data Storage David Raznik jilly mathews

Reported by jilly mathews, 2 years ago.


Unsure what needs to happen here. Need to list outstanding tasks and implement.

#4 fixed Find a package somebody johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 8 years ago.


As a


I want to

Locate packages that I am, or might be, interested in

So that

I know what packages exist and can read the information associated with those packages


Find a package by searching by (or some combination thereof):

  1. tag
  2. string contained in title or description
  3. license
#2469 duplicate Find a better way to deploy CKAN instances seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


We want a much quicker and easier way of deploying multiple CKAN instances to the same or multiple servers and managing them (e.g. configuration, themes, extensions, upgrades, and adding new instances). Currently we just deploy and manage each instance separately, which doesn't scale.. We'd also want to have (as far as possible) one single way of deploying CKAN that works across different situations, e.g. deployment server, demo server, jenkins, local deployment for development, these should share the same tools for installing CKAN and its dependencies.

Components that this might include:

Virtualenv bootstrap script


CKAN deb package

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