Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1543 - 1545 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#86 | fixed | Support for stateful dict-like collections | rgrp | rgrp |
Description |
Already support stateful list-like collections and should extend this to dict-like collections. (This is prerequisite for implementing versioned "extra" (key/value) attributes on packages in CKAN and elsewhere). |
#971 | duplicate | Support middleware as a plugin | sebbacon | sebbacon |
Description |
I need to completely munge the rendered data coming from the app. There's not currently a plugin hook for this, where I get access to the entire environment. The most generic form of plugin would be WSGI Middleware. I propose adding an IMiddleware plugin hook for inserting abritrary middleware via our plugin system. |
#1498 | fixed | Support multiple SOLR schema versions | amercader | amercader |
Description |
At some point the SOLR schema used by CKAN will need to be changed and the changes won't be always backward compatible, so we need a mechanism to support instances that use older versions of the schema. This process will involve: