Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1606 - 1608 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#2837 | fixed | checkbox styling | aron.carroll | toby |
Description |
Is this done I know checkboxes are a pain but it looks a bit out of place compared to the other items. |
#2839 | fixed | Specifying sort order breaks search results on group page | seanh | |
Description |
Create a group, create some datasets and add them to the group, then view the group's page with a sort-order specified in the URL, e.g. /group/foo?q=&sort=title_string+asc, no datasets are displayed even though there are datasets in the group that match the search query. Remove the sort order from the URL and the datasets will appear. |
#2840 | fixed | tag line styling | aron.carroll | toby |
Description |
@aron Is it possible to get the tagline text to float the other way at the moment we have ...........Title Tag line to here I'd like ...........Title ...........Tag line to here is this possible or too much pain based partly on this comment Markw wrote A minor problem visible on the home page <> and other pages, when viewing in both Chrome and Firefox: if the browser width is not very wide, the tag line 'Open source data portal' vanishes off the *left* hand side of the screen. For some reason the browser doesn't even recognise this with a horizontal scroll bar (as it does when stuff is off the *right* hand side) - it just chops off the text. |