Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1636 - 1638 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#352 wontfix Package notification worker - sends XML-RPC dread dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


As an

external front-end

I want to

be notified (by XML-RPC) about package creations and updates.


  1. A message queue worker waits for package update notifications
  2. On reception, it constructs XML detailing the changes and PUSHes it to a configured URI.

Rather than turning the package fields into XML fields, the JSON dump of the list of package dictionaries will become a single XML parameter.

Config - in the CKAN config will be:

  • URI to callback to
  • API version to use (version 2 gives packages referred by ID not name)
#353 fixed SOLR search indexing dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


As a

SOLR instance

I want to

keep my search index of CKAN packages up-to-date


  • Using asynchronous event notifications
  • Running in a separate process to CKAN
#358 duplicate Resources in REST API rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


(spun out of ticket:336)

Resource added to model API at:


Example model request

GET to: /api/2/rest/resource/a3dd8f64-9078-4f04-845c-e3f047125028


 [{"id": "a3dd8f64-9078-4f04-845c-e3f047125028",
   "package_id": "b8a325c8-af2a-43f3-8245-9db7d73dfbfe",
   "URL": "", 
   "format": "CSV", 
   "Description": "Scrape of by ScraperWiki.",
   "hash": "", 
   "position": 2


  1. Have it generic (ie. not per resource) and use an action/role on system
  2. Require all resources to attach to packages an inherit their permissions (i.e. read/write etc if and only read/write on associated packages)
  3. Introduce Resource in authorization system (requires migration)

Mixed model

Create / Edit:

if resource associated to package:
    check_permissions(package, update)
    check_system_permissions(c.user, model.Action.Resouce Create/Update, model.System)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.