Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1469 fixed Geo-spatial search on the front end amercader thejimmyg

Reported by thejimmyg, 2 years ago.


Now that we have a geospatial search API, we should build a front-end that integrates with the existing search for displaying results.

#1524 fixed New Release of Latest MI Reports thejimmyg thejimmyg
#1615 worksforme CKAN Should work behind a proxy server thejimmyg

Reported by thejimmyg, 2 years ago.


This would allow deployment via Nginx or Apache using proxy to Paster, uWSGI. At the moment CKAN isn't aware of the proxy's IP address so when you perform an action which does a redirect (such as adding a package), CKAN redirects you to the *internal IP* not the external *proxy IP*.

We would like this work to facilitate testing within VMs as part of our new build infrastructure.

It would also be nice if CKAN worked when mounted at a path other than /. That could be dealt with in another ticket because it isn't a problem at the moment.

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