Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1687 - 1689 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#2880 | wontfix | Datasets (Package) should have owners | icmurray | ross |
Description |
Each dataset should have an explicit owner that is an organisation. This is the organisation that owns the dataset* and will be used for specifying who can move a dataset out of the default organisation. This should probably be a foreign key link from dataset to organisation (or rather group).
#2879 | wontfix | Datasets (Package) should have a 'public' field | ross | ross |
Description |
The Package model should have a boolean field added to it describing its visibility beyond that supplied via auth. The related permission for viewing packages where public is set to False would be package.view (show, whatever), and *never* visible for unauthenticated users. |
#2490 | fixed | Dataset term translation isn't working on user pages, ckanext/multilingual test failing | seanh | seanh |
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