Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1732 - 1734 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2226 fixed [super] Refactor and improve documentation (v1.7) rgrp rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 2 years ago.


Documentation is key to the success of projects!

Move material into main docs from wiki

Create a User Guide

Basic step-by-step on getting started with CKAN (See start on set of slides here e.g.

  • Publishing data
  • Authorization and workflows
    • Publisher Profile (Workflow)

Break into sections

Suggest something like:

# General
* Intro
* Conceptual Overview
* What CKAN helps you do (
* FAQ ? (or point to the wiki)

# For Administrators

* Installation and Setup
  * Configuration options
* Customization - Theming etc
* Authorization and Workflows
* Storage

# For Users (Publishers, Data Wranglers, etc etc)
* Walkthrough of publishing a dataset
* Storage
* API (see Developers section)

# CKAN Developers

* Domain Model
* Extensions
* i18n

CKAN Developers
* Buildbot
#2228 fixed IGroupForm should allow overriding of non-edit templates ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


IGroupForm should allow overriding of non-edit templates so that it can specify the index +/or search +/or view.

#2229 fixed Cleanup plugin system after some test failed to run. kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 2 years ago.


The logic test did not have init. This caused lots of tests to fail because there were mock extensions that ran automatically in them. Fix plugin system so this can work.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.