Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1744 - 1746 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#2853 | fixed | unclear error message in refreshing harvest source | toby | shevski |
Description |
Tried to refresh the datagm harvest source to get error message: "An error occurred: [There already is an unrun job for this source]" This is unclear and not sure why it created an error. We should have something informative such as "A harvest has already been scheduled for this source" Do we have a date/time for when this has been scheduled that we can display? |
#2856 | fixed | server error when clicking on deleted app link | toby | shevski |
Description |
#2858 | fixed | Harvester tweaks | toby | toby |
Description |
I've had a look at the new harvesting theme, it looks great, thanks. I did some minor changes and reworded the errors as per tickets #2852 and #2853, but I kept the messages red, as the only other ones available ("flash_notice") are blue and are not very prominent. Toby, on the old form there was a list of descriptions for all available harvesters which could be nice to have back. I couldn't find an easy way with the new form macro, so I don't know how easy would be to implement |