Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1765 - 1767 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#789 | duplicate | The harvest source form shall validate location field by positive identification of source type | wwaites | johnbywater |
#801 | duplicate | Get/Set last harvested time for a given harvest source | wwaites | johnbywater |
Description |
Implies that last harvested time must be stored on source by harvesting job (see #802). |
#844 | fixed | bad mail config | wwaites | wwaites |
Description | and have no mx record and no listener on port 25. yet they send out mail. this means, when messages it sends bounce for whatever reason, the bounce messages stay in the queue on the remote mail server until they expire. for example: B30E6D9F 2873 Sat Dec 4 14:05:40 MAILER-DAEMON (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]:25: Operation timed out) both these domains should have an mx record pointing to and should be configured to handle these addresses correctly, e.g. by sending them to /dev/null |
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