Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1822 - 1824 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1053 | fixed | Deletion in Model API | dread | dread |
Description |
Currently in the API if you DELETE a package/group/user (and you have the required permissions) then it purges the object, when it should probably just set the state to deleted. There is no way to delete objects at the moment - changes to 'state' are ignored in the API. Do we need an alternative way to purge objects in the API? |
#1055 | fixed | @search_related tests not running | dread | dread |
Description |
Tests marked decorated "@search_related" should only be run against postgresql, but in fact they don't get run at all. |
#1056 | fixed | User links for OpenID users are broken | dread | pudo |
Description |
Use case:
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.