Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2612 fixed Hide options based on auth shevski shevski

Reported by shevski, 22 months ago.


For example, hide the 'edit' button on user profiles unless I'm logged in as Ross

#2613 wontfix Javascript functionality aron.carroll shevski

Reported by shevski, 22 months ago.

  1. file uploads on dataset creation
  2. create dataset validation
  3. create dataset slugs
  4. Add dataset to group process: pop-up allowing you to quickly search for a pick a dataset to add to group. Must check you have necc auth over dataset to be added validation of user name
  5. Language box
  6. toggling activity stream
  7. Search sorting
  8. autocomplete on tags
  9. add and remove custom fields on forms
  10. the rest: tooltip on popular datasets with number of views

facets to update automatically

creating a dataset without reloading page between steps

hover on licences information

autocomplete on search terms

group filtering

add comment to datasets

social share buttons in lightboxes

dataset counts on homepage?

#2655 fixed updating datasets loses data toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 22 months ago.


Editing and saving a resource wipes the data from the dataset. Happened with I clicked on edit, changed a tag, clicked update and the data was gone!

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.