Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1864 - 1866 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1510 wontfix Migrate existing data into activity streams database tables seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


See '### Task 2' in this etherpad:

I have no idea yet about how to do this or how long it might take me.

#1519 wontfix combine stats and analytics extensions into one in UI as well as deployment johnglover shevski

Reported by shevski, 2 years ago.


Makes more sense to only have one comprehensive stats/analytics extension, so when people are looking to add a stats extension they won't have to add two which may be confusing (is one an old version of the other? why do I have to add two? what's the difference? etc)

User-wise we need a way to display our stats with google analytics in the same place

#1533 wontfix Make sure ckanext-wordpresser works on CKAN 1.5.1 rgrp amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


Superceded by #2234

Super ticket: #1508


The wordpresser extension does not work with ckan 1.5.1. The wordpress page is not loaded.

Looks like this changeset may be involved

I think that even before that changeset, the page was shown without any margins.

In any case, the extension seems to be too sensible to changes in the ckan layout so perhaps it should take into account the CKAN version and have a fixed set of xpaths and templates that work for each version

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