Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1867 - 1869 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2918 fixed Can't remove users from organizations johnmartin ross

Reported by ross, 20 months ago.


When you remove someone, without adding them, the text box at the bottom (which should probably autocomplete) is empty, and this causes problems on the server.

Ideally when you add a user (select from the autocomplete) it would add another row to the table, defaulting the user to editor and setting the names to user{{X}}name and user{{X}}capacity where X is $('tr').size()

#662 fixed Can't put entity that is returned by posting to package register sebbacon johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 4 years ago.


It's because Package carries several out-of-band values, which are snagged on the way back out. Entity get response also can't be posted.

However, post response can be re-posted (because it isn't the same as the register-post/entity-get responses.

An issue for CKAN too.

Sub-ticket of #961 (form, validation, model sync meta-ticket) and depends on that work.

#1419 invalid Can't log in via OpenID dread

Reported by dread, 3 years ago.


I couldn't log into theDataHub with OpenID today. I tried both Google ID and MyOpenID. Both times the login on the remote auth server went fine, but when it returns you to theDataHub you get error "Login failed. Bad username or password."

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.