Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1885 - 1887 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1243 invalid [] "Upload Data" should provide a nicer timmcnamara

Reported by timmcnamara, 3 years ago.


If someone who is not logged in clicks on "Upload Data", they are presented with

    Not authorized to upload files.

This is in emboldened red text. That is, the system is telling a user that they're doing something illegitimate, even though they're actually following an invitation from the main menu.

I propose two options for resolving this:

  1. only display the "Upload Data" tab if someone is authorised to upload data
  2. if someone isn't logged int, provide a nice welcome message thanking them for wanting to upload data, but we only allow registered users to do so

ENV:, CKAN 1.4.2b

#2809 fixed _ not defined for modules aron.carroll toby

Reported by toby, 21 months ago.


eg on confirm delete


_(....) gives [object Object] not translation

#2497 fixed abort loses language settings toby toby

Reported by toby, 2 years ago.


if not logged in then go to add dataset url the language is lost

check if this is a ckan 1.7 issue

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