Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (193 - 195 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#2627 | fixed | IDatasetForm.form_to_db_schema() is not called | seanh | seanh |
Description |
IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() method is not getting called by ckan |
#2626 | invalid | ff render issue in edit dataset | aron.carroll | toby |
Description |
http://localhost:5000/dataset/edit/2010-nigeria-budget the edit url button appears too high up |
#2624 | fixed | Organizations breaks dataset tag editing | ross | seanh |
Description |
Enable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins, login to ckan, create a group, create a dataset and add it to the group. Edit the dataset, add some tags to it. The new tags are not saved when you submit. Disable the organizations and organizations_dataset plugins and tag editing works again. |
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