Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (2104 - 2106 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1597 fixed Tag search - filter by group dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


I want to browse tags, but filtered for a particular group. Currently our tag API doesn't allow for filtering by group.

This is important for improving groups as communities within a site #1521. It would be easy to do this by adding an option to filter by a group. BUT are there any other use cases that would warrant a more complete faceted tag search?


BTW I can currently draw a tag cloud for a group - I can get the top tags used in a group like this:

curl -d '{"q":"groups:country-ca", "facet.field":"tags", "rows":"0"}'

but it only contains the top 20 tags.

#1615 worksforme CKAN Should work behind a proxy server thejimmyg

Reported by thejimmyg, 2 years ago.


This would allow deployment via Nginx or Apache using proxy to Paster, uWSGI. At the moment CKAN isn't aware of the proxy's IP address so when you perform an action which does a redirect (such as adding a package), CKAN redirects you to the *internal IP* not the external *proxy IP*.

We would like this work to facilitate testing within VMs as part of our new build infrastructure.

It would also be nice if CKAN worked when mounted at a path other than /. That could be dealt with in another ticket because it isn't a problem at the moment.

#1628 wontfix get ckanext-dgu working with ckan 1.5.1 dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


johnglover said: I can confirm that even with the mapping fix, the ckanext-dgu dgu_form plugin template does not work properly with 1.5.1, so should probably not be installed at present. The edit page is ugly but should work (eg:, but the 'add a dataset' page is broken (eg:

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.