Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (2122 - 2124 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2852 fixed better message for trying to refresh inactive sources in harvest toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 21 months ago.


Currently if you try to refresh (i.e. schedule the harvester to re-run) an inactive source (one who's state is 'withdrawn' - e.g.

you get the error message: "An error occurred: [Can not create jobs on inactive sources]"

This could be better and not red, e.g. and info box (maybe yellow) saying that "Cannot re-run harvesting on inactive sources. Please first change the status to 'active'"

#2853 fixed unclear error message in refreshing harvest source toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 21 months ago.


Tried to refresh the datagm harvest source to get error message:

"An error occurred: [There already is an unrun job for this source]"

This is unclear and not sure why it created an error. We should have something informative such as "A harvest has already been scheduled for this source"

Do we have a date/time for when this has been scheduled that we can display?

#2855 fixed language box no longer functional shevski shevski

Reported by shevski, 21 months ago.


e.g. tried changing the lang here: to no effect. Doesn't work on any other pages either. Flags have also dissappeared

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