Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (2134 - 2136 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#990 fixed umlauts in title / text rene.kapusta

Reported by rene.kapusta, 3 years ago.


It's not possible to use umlauts (like "CKAN Österreich") in the title / text.

#2853 fixed unclear error message in refreshing harvest source toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 21 months ago.


Tried to refresh the datagm harvest source to get error message:

"An error occurred: [There already is an unrun job for this source]"

This is unclear and not sure why it created an error. We should have something informative such as "A harvest has already been scheduled for this source"

Do we have a date/time for when this has been scheduled that we can display?

#861 invalid unicode errors creating rdf output wwaites wwaites

Reported by wwaites, 3 years ago.


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