Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (2140 - 2142 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#824 | fixed | 'Getdata' moved out of CKAN | dread | dread |
Description |
Data importers should use API instead of object model directly:
#1042 | fixed | 'Ckanext' split-up | dread | dread |
Description |
It's not good to have ckanext doing lots of different things with different dependencies. Split it off into:
etc. And then deprecate the ckanext repo itself. |
#1710 | fixed | 'Announce' email list for thedatahub | dread | dread |
Description |
We want to make email announcements to users of The most simple way to do this is to get a dump of the email addresses and subscribe/invite them to a mailman list. Different ways to do it:
Something more advanced in the future could be:
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.