Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1091 wontfix usernames of users logged in using open ids are strange johnlawrenceaspden

Reported by johnlawrenceaspden, 3 years ago.


If I use my gmail openID to log into a CKAN instance, then my username is:

This seems a bit odd.

#1099 wontfix strange interactions between two browsers while playing with authz groups johnlawrenceaspden

Reported by johnlawrenceaspden, 3 years ago.


While playing with the authorization groups, trying to design tests, I found that it was necessary to log in as two different users with two different browsers. Often actions of one user would cause server errors in the other user's browser.

I don't have a reproducible test case, but it happens fairly often so it shouldn't be too difficult to get one.

#1100 fixed Get buildbot running on ckan branches dread

Reported by dread, 3 years ago.


Need some changes to pip-requirements files in release branches.

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