Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#998 fixed change create on cli to upgrade kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 3 years ago.


When doing create on the cli upgrade should be run instead of create to make sure that every database is initiated in the same way.

#1081 fixed can't remove user from authz group johnlawrenceaspden johnlawrenceaspden

Reported by johnlawrenceaspden, 3 years ago.


I've found that if I make an authorization group I sometimes can't remove myself from it. I've no idea why. I can add and remove other users. I'll investigate, just making a note of it here.

#2832 duplicate can't add a dataset to more than one group shevski

Reported by shevski, 21 months ago.


add to groups is a drop down menu where you can only choose one needs a new UI & logic allowing user to add new groups & potentially remove from other lists

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.