Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (223 - 225 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1007 wontfix Backport WDMMG translations for extensions i18n pudo pudo

Reported by pudo, 3 years ago.


Needed to allow extensions to be internationalized in the code and in templates. Requires in-template i18n domain switching which is broken between Genshi and Pylons, thus needs this hackish class.


#544 duplicate Backport facet browsing to CKAN 1.2 pudo

Reported by pudo, 4 years ago.


This is in IATI, would be nice to have in generic CKAN.

#329 fixed Bad dates cause exception on Gov form rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.



Using the government form, create a new package with name 'test' and date released of '23/5/0210'. The result is a 500 error and 'Server Error' message.

Affects all versions of CKAN.

Why it's happening

The dates module is raising an exception on the invalid date when saving the date, which is not being caught. The exception should have been raised only during the earlier 'validation' step and that would be caught.

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