Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (235 - 237 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2574 fixed look at package states kindly toby

Reported by toby, 23 months ago.


we want to be able to add new datasets but not have them indexed or seem by people

is the vdm.state the place to do this

#2571 fixed implement logic.action.create.resource_create() kindly toby

Reported by toby, 23 months ago.


This function is incomplete

If you want I can do this but I need guidance over how to do this properly. ie would I go through lib.dictization.model_save.package_resource_list_save() which looks wrong to me as I'd need the package. resource_dict_save() seems better but to be honest the total lack of docstrings etc makes me feel ill.

#2570 fixed add 'back to dataset' button to resource pages aron.carroll shevski

Reported by shevski, 23 months ago.


Suggest making this consistent with by adding same button in top right of resource pages

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