Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 2152)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1493 fixed 'search-index rebuild/clear' doesn't work if no ckan.site_id dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


You can't delete things from the SOLR search index if the ckan.site_id and ckan.site_url are blank.

Should assert that one of these are set up.

#2847 fixed 'show inactive sources' checkbox displaying incorrectly toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 21 months ago.


On harvest page: the checkbox appears above the text and not clear what it refers to/

Beter to relocate to the left (as on see screenshots attached.

#101 fixed (Improved) Download support rgrp rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 5 years ago.

  1. Given a url download from that url to disk
  2. Given a package use download url to download to disk

Once on disk should uncompress (if necessary).


  • Should download either to tmp directory (defaulted in config) or a specified path on disk
  • In download would like to support as many types of target urls as possible:
    1. Single files (usually compressed filesets but could be individual files)
    2. Index pages listing files to download
    3. Revision control repositories
    4. ...

This will obviously be a significant amount of work. Suggest:

  1. Start off just supporting the first option.
  2. Have something like a plugin system to handle new target types
  3. Reuse existing work (e.g. easy_install and pip handle standard vcs such as svn, hg, git etc)

Cost: 1d

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