Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#225 invalid UI Review - swap URL order rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


Not so keen on URLS such as /package/edit/mypackagename. These seem to be task-oriented rather than resource oriented (which would be /package/mypackagename/edit), and unstable: there is a common root for /package/edit/mypackage and /package/history/mypackage which is not reflected in the URL structure.

#226 fixed UI Review - History nickstenning dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


Repository History revision

  • What is this page called? "Recent Changes", "Repository History", "/revision": standardise. Between the link in the nav and the page <title> particularly, but the route is also important. Perhaps /changes or something similar?
    • Will change page title on /revision/ to Revision History. Will not change route for the time being.
  • needs copyediting.
  • Pagination has similar issues to elsewhere. Also, most obvious here, is the fact that we don't need to display a link to every possible page. Please can we limit it to, say, a dozen nearby pages and an ellipsis.
  • Without looking at dates, its not clear whether I'm seeing most recent or oldest changes. Change pagination to say "Older"/"More recent" rather than "Previous"/"Next". (wontfix: now have text saying we are showing most recent changes)
  • Table layout is pretty ugly (yes, I'm aware this is my fault).
    • wontfix - nothing better at the moment
  • Timestamps are horribly unreadable. At the absolute minimum get rid of the micros. Hover for more detail?
  • Can we link to an author page? Yes!
  • Atom feed should have a feed icon~~
  • Why are we adding another <link rel="alternate"> to this page? We already have one for recent changes on every page in the site and the one we're adding has a less descriptive title. Which is correct? Use that one as a feed for every page.
#227 fixed UI Review - General checks nickstenning dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.

  • There is huge inconsistency in the titles of pages across the site: to give one example "Edit Package:" vs "Package: mypkg [not linked]" vs "History - mypkg [linked to package page]"
    • Normalize and use terminology: "Data Package" - also change in navbar (but nowhere else for the time being). So hvae Data Package - mypkg, Data Package - mypkg - Edit etc
  • pagination is currently lost in amongst the results list. needs to be *much* more obvious, and should appear top and bottom, or at the very least at the bottom!
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.