Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (256 - 258 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#229 fixed Resource hashes dread dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


New field for resources - hash of the resource file.

  • CKAN itself will not calculate the hash value - user just pastes it in.
  • Display text field in resource table.
  • Requires migration script.

Questions for the field's value:

  1. Which hash to use? Restrict to python hashlib and other major hash libraries.
  1. Should we use merkle trees?

Thanks to Julien D'Assanges for the suggestion.

#230 fixed Refactor 'package preview' to use 'package read' dread dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.

  • Requires Package Read to not use the side-bar
  • Need to sync params to a package object that is taken out of the session so that it doesn't go into the database.
#239 fixed Test migrate scripts dread dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


Integrate new test upgrade into testmigrate stuff.

New "migrate.ini" config file programmed with the db to be used for migrate tests and a param saying where the db dump is.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.