Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (256 - 258 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1518 fixed CKAN Upload fails if filename has spaces in it rgrp markbrough

Reported by markbrough, 2 years ago.


E.g. uploading a file with spaces in it: OECD Monthly Exchange

Gives a 404 Not Found response to the following file:

The upload wheel keeps spinning and the user is not informed that the upload has failed.

Analysis: turns out that google storage (possibly s3 but not checked) replaces with ' ' in keys with '+' on upload. This breaks things because we try and look up metadata about upload using the filename/key we put in but of course that does not exist because google has changed name.

Fix is trivial: replace ' ' in keys / filenames with '-'.

#1551 fixed CKAN auth for webstore changes ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


Webstore should use auth api ( #1550 ) for authenticating users accessing webstore rather than talking directly to the CKAN database. We also need it to suppose /user/ urls and /userid/ for accessing databases.

#1467 worksforme CKAN dumps dgu miss certain publisher information thejimmyg thejimmyg

Reported by thejimmyg, 2 years ago.


Pawel knows about this so David Read, Pawel and I need to find time to discuss it.

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