Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (259 - 261 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2665 fixed add dataset stages need to be form buttonable aron.carroll toby

Reported by toby, 22 months ago.


the stages snippet needs to be inside <form> so I can make some links buttons - eg stage 1 -> stage 2 I want to save the dataset not just move to add resource

if you can just move it within the form html leaving everything else the same - I can then add buttons and pass back for styling

#2743 fixed add dataset button within group toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 22 months ago.


Currently the 'add dataset' button on a group page goes to edit group. This is confusing since the interface for this is no way streamlined or helpful.

Can we get this to go to the create dataset process instead (ideally with the group pre-chosen) for now?

Further on will need to re-think & plan the workflow for publishers which will be a large part of new work

#2701 fixed add comments to datasets toby shevski

Reported by shevski, 22 months ago.



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