Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (262 - 264 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1486 fixed "allow_partial_update" option does not work with resource lists of packages seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.

  1. Call ckan.logic.action.update:package_update()
  2. Pass in a context dict with "allow_partial_update":True
  3. Pass in a partial data dict containing only the package's ID and those fields that you want to update (e.g. title).

=> All of the package's resource will have their statuses changed to "deleted".

The "allow_partial_update" option should apply to the resource lists of packages, but it does not.

#1494 wontfix API call for getting a user's public activity stream as rendered rtext seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


This could be implemented as a separate API call, or the rendered text versions of the activities could be added into the JSON returned by the existing API call.

This requires setting up templates for rendering activity streams items and detail items as nice, human-readable text.

There are some open questions, e.g.: Do we want the entire activity stream rendered as a block of plain text? As HTML? Or do we want a list of JSON objects, where each object contains its textual and/or HTML representations as fields?

Activity stream items and their related detail items are separate objects that each have their own textual representations.

For a mockup of the kind of text messages we want, see:

but note that this ticket is just for creating the text snippets themselves, not rendering then in an HTML page or RSS feed. Also the mockup only show activity items and not their detail items.

#1495 fixed API call for getting a user's public activity stream kindly seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


An API call that returns a user's public activity stream in JSON format.

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