Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (262 - 264 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#847 fixed CKAN search using SOLR backend pudo rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 3 years ago.


This is a meta-ticket to pull together all the work on SOLR as a backend for CKAN search. (Work on SOLR search has been going on since March of 2010).

3 key aspects of this:

  • Index package information in SOLR - ticket:353 - SOLR search indexing (index CKAN)
    • Synchronously (generify Search Index update method to support SOLR or postgres?) - #317: Make search pluggable
    • Asynchroously: via worker with queue
      • #324 Search indexing using notifications
      • #669: Refactor Solr (indexer) to become a generic worker
      • #874: Extract Solr search backend into an extension
  • In core support using SOLR backend as well as postgres for queries
    • #317: Make search pluggable (?)
  • Integrate into WUI (if changes needed)
    • #672 - Facets in CKAN search results


  • Solr index testing tool #431
#952 invalid CKAN should run under nginx/uswgi wwaites pudo

Reported by pudo, 3 years ago.


second part of #908

#2682 fixed CKAN's internal tracking counts each view twice, needs unit tests seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 22 months ago.


CKAN's internal tracking seems to count each page view twice, the problem appears to be with the SQL in the update_tracking() method in ckan/lib/

The internal tracking feature needs some tests, and some of the code could maybe do with some more explanatory comments, e.g. what is the intended difference between count and running_total?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.