Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (295 - 297 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#305 fixed Search result pagination is broken johnbywater johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 4 years ago.


Expect to page through results.

Only page 1 is shown, all other pages fail to display.

Reproduce by searching for something common and browsing to the second page.

#306 duplicate datapkg build command rgrp rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 4 years ago.


Need to be able to build a distribution. Need:

  • new 'build' command
  • specify distribution format. Suggest at the moment a simple zip or tar.gz build in most straightforward way form distribution.
#307 fixed datapkg upload command rgrp rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 4 years ago.


Support uploading a distribution somewhere.

  • New cli command: upload
  • Pluggable uploader framework. Suggest initial support

Depends on ticket:306

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.