Custom Query (473 matches)


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Results (401 - 473 of 473)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2944 Recline preview does not work in Opera new enhancement awaiting triage
#2945 Pdf preview does not load in IE new enhancement awaiting triage
#2947 Redirect to the resource page from /resource/{res-id} new enhancement minor
#2948 Negative range breaks datastore backend new enhancement awaiting triage
#2951 Paster command for building css from less new enhancement minor ckan 2.0
#2952 incorporate javascriopt translations into translations workflow new seanh enhancement minor ckan 2.0
#2956 Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0 assigned shevski enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2961 Preview plugin endpoint assigned dominik enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2962 Search across multiple ckan instances new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2966 'Add' button text is wrong when editing organization members new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2971 "Are ytou sure you want to delete this member?" should say which member new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2972 Remove any imports of and delete file new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2973 Move into logic/auth/ new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2974 General of all auth functions new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2975 Tests for auth functions and new actions new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2976 Polish group and organization member pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2977 Fix user autocomplete on group and organization member pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2978 Tests for permissions for organizations and groups new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2979 Requesting membership to groups and organizations new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2988 UI functional tests for CKAN 2.0 new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2989 "Add dataset to organization" should auto-select the organization new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2990 Fix descriptions of groups and organizations on /groups and /organizations pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2991 Add blocks to header.html template new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2992 Delete resource should send me back to edit dataset page new enhancement awaiting triage
#2994 Add dataset and user popovers throughout the site new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2995 Popovers for resources, groups, organizations, tags... new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2996 Fix behaviour of View Profile button in user popover when already on user's profile new enhancement minor ckan 2.0
#2997 Add activity streams to dataset pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2998 Add activity streams to group pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2999 Add activity streams to organization pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3000 Add number of followers to dataset pages new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3003 New pg databases should be created with UTF8 encoding rather than system default new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.8
#3005 Add following/unfollowing of groups: model, API, frontend, tests new seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3006 Update translations from Transifex new enhancement awaiting triage ckan-v1.8.1
#3007 Adding a dataset creates multiple activities new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3010 Pin images don't appear in data explorer new enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3011 Recline fixes and updates for CKAN 2.0 new johnglover enhancement major ckan 2.0
#3012 auth new toby enhancement awaiting triage
#3016 CKAN 2.0 template tweaks new johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3017 New stable branch for the demo server new johnglover enhancement major ckan 2.0
#3018 Load more in activity streams new johnmartin enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3020 Update CKAN coding standards new enhancement awaiting triage
#3023 New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict new amercader enhancement awaiting triage
#3025 Add requests to core requirements new amercader enhancement awaiting triage
#3026 Support icons on nav_named_link new amercader enhancement minor
#3027 solr for 2.0 new kindly enhancement awaiting triage
#3028 Feature: dashboard activity stream filtering new seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#3030 clean up helper functions new enhancement awaiting triage
#1800 Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/ new refactor awaiting triage ckan-future
#2277 Use the new atom feeds in IATI new icmurray refactor minor ckan-backlog
#2603 Remove deprecated 'fields' parameter from resource_search new icmurray refactor minor ckan-v1.9
#2621 Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete new icmurray refactor minor ckan-v1.9
#2915 Refactor form_to_db_schema_options() new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2981 Remove config from jinja templates new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2982 Move functionality from controllers into template helpers new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2983 Refactor lib/ to remove circular import issues new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2984 Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc. new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2985 Make lib/ more template-specific new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2986 Make lib/ more like it was originally intended new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#2987 Remove all direct calls to logic action and auth functions new refactor awaiting triage ckan 2.0
#256 Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI assigned requirement major ckan-backlog
#653 Trackback links for packages new requirement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#728 CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed assigned amercader requirement major ckan-backlog
#794 Investigate reconciling UKLP Publisher and Provider with DGU assigned amercader requirement major ckan-backlog
#818 Rethinking the author and maintainer fields new requirement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1273 Create docs for API v3 new requirement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#2546 ODS Managing homepage content assigned requirement awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1384 CKAN wiki needs updating to refer to instead of and datasets instead of packages new rgrp task awaiting triage ckan-backlog
#1544 delete old git branches new task minor ckan-backlog
#1815 Reenable Sparql endpoint on new amercader task awaiting triage ckan-future
#2382 Investigate options for basic geocoding new amercader task awaiting triage ckan-future
#2957 New datastore on postgres prior to 9.0 new task awaiting triage
#2960 Private datasets are not private new task awaiting triage ckan-backlog
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.