{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)
Results (2001 - 2100 of 2647)
Id | Type | Owner | Reporter | Milestone | Status | Resolution | Summary | Description | Posixtime | Modifiedtime | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#295 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.0 | closed | fixed | Add multiple packages when editing a group |
In Group edit page, you can only add one package at a time. It would be better to use some scripting to allow adding more than one at once, to make it easier and quicker when you have a long list to add. Ticket is split off from ticket:221 See also ticket:155 (duplicate). |
1271756713000000 | 1272384758000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#300 | defect | rgrp | dread | v1.0 | closed | fixed | Resource ordering issue |
Failing test: ckan.tests.models.test_resource.TestResourceLifecycle?.test_03_reorder_resources Not clear how visible this is to the user. Related to ticket:292 |
1272285994000000 | 1272384474000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#302 | enhancement | johnbywater | dread | v1.0 | closed | fixed | Advertise a package's feed visually |
Visual display of a package's feed in the Package Read (/package/xyz) and Package History (/package/history/xyz) pages. Motivation: each package's Atom feed is mentioned in the <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" ...> tag, which Firefox displays with a feed icon, but the other 3/4 of users may not discover it. The Repo History (/revision) page has a visual link the feed. PS It would be nice to display the feed icon in both these places too. |
1272370397000000 | 1272453821000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#303 | defect | dread | dread | v1.0 | closed | fixed | Package history & diff & feed to show changes to tags, extras and resources |
Currently a package's history page (/package/history/xyz) and related feed only shows changes to the core package i.e. ones which create a PackageResource?. This doesn't include changes to tags, extras and resources. These need to be added. There is the complication that the 'diff' function doesn't currently work beyond PackageResource?. Unless this is quick and simple to fix, I suggest we let the diff remain slightly broken for now. Rufus suggests alongside the existing methods: pkg.all_revisions() pkg.diff() we have ones which also include the related objects (tags, extras, resources): pkg.all_revisions_full() pkg.diff_full() You could have a function which returned these related objects. Ideas: revobjlist = [ self, resources, extras ] list of tuples: (revobj, changed_revobjs) list of tuples: (revobj, {objtype: [changed_revobjs]}) tuple: (rev1, {Package: [ object_id, object_id], PackageTag: [object_id, object_id2] ...} |
1272370659000000 | 1272989728000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#309 | defect | pudo | dread | closed | fixed | Tag list shows unused tags |
Deleted tags are visible on the /tag page and are searchable. Delete tags are ones that were in use once and then discarded, so this includes ones which are not used on any packages any more, including misspelling, mistakes, and deprecated tags. It would makes sense to remove them. Example tag that is viewed at /tag and searchable: http://ckan.net/tag/2rand[0 |
1273247648000000 | 1280743432000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#312 | defect | rgrp | dread | closed | invalid | Race condition creating PackageRating |
On ckan.net there are a few packages which cause a 403 exception when you try to rate them: http://www.ckan.net/package/rate/coins-data?rating=3 The exception is occuring here: ckan.rating:39 in set_rating rating_obj = rating_query.one() InvalidRequestError?: Multiple rows returned for one() It looks like this package got rated twice in quick succession, creating two similar PackageRating? objects. This race condition needs to be solved and these particular rating objects repaired. |
1273482785000000 | 1311176173000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#313 | enhancement | rgrp | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Allow packages to be specified by IDs in REST interface |
If a package name changes, a simple CKAN client may not be aware of this (not monitoring the push notifications, revisions or feed), so it is preferable to refer to the package by its (invariant) ID. It is still useful to refer to a package by its name though, so both should be valid arguments in the REST interface. |
1273606248000000 | 1275404524000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#316 | defect | rgrp | dread | closed | fixed | Search URL escaping |
If you search for unescaped characters such as '`' (backtick) in the URL in Chrome then you get a 500 error. e.g. http://www.ckan.net/package/search?q=fjdkf2B%C2%B4gfhgfkgf{gpk fjdkf2B´gfhgfkgf{gpk returns this exception: URL: http://www.ckan.net/package/search?q=fjdkf%2B%C2%B4gfhgfkgf%7Bg%C2%B4pk&search=Search+Packages+%C2%BB Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__ << __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker) except: >> app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) Module repoze.who.middleware:107 in __call__ << wrapper = StartResponseWrapper(start_response) app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response) # The challenge decider almost(?) always needs information from the >> app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response) Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__ << self.cache_manager) environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response) >> return self.app(environ, start_response) Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__ << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie)) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) def _get_session(self): >> return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__ << environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1] response = self.app(environ, start_response) # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already >> response = self.app(environ, start_response) Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__ << controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response, >> response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug: log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface") return controller(environ, start_response) def load_test_env(self, environ): >> return controller(environ, start_response) Module ckan.lib.base:50 in __call__ << # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict'] try: return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) finally: model.Session.remove() >> return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__ << return response(environ, self.start_response) response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called: self.start_response = start_response >> response = self._dispatch_call() Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func response = self._inspect_call(func) else: if log_debug: >> response = self._inspect_call(func) Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.__name__, args) try: result = self._perform_call(func, args) except HTTPException, httpe: if log_debug: >> result = self._perform_call(func, args) Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method""" __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this' return func(**args) def _inspect_call(self, func): >> return func(**args) Module ckan.controllers.package:52 in search << collection=query, page=request.params.get('page', 1), items_per_page=50 ) # filter out ranks from the query result >> items_per_page=50 Module webhelpers.paginate:333 in __init__ << self.item_count = item_count else: self.item_count = len(self.collection) # Compute the number of the first and last available page >> self.item_count = len(self.collection) Module webhelpers.paginate:204 in __len__ << def __len__(self): return self.obj.count() # Since the items on a page are mainly a list we subclass the "list" type >> return self.obj.count() Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1094 in count << q = q.params(params) q = q._legacy_select_kwargs(**kwargs) return q._count() def _count(self): >> return q._count() Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1103 in _count << """ return self._col_aggregate(sql.literal_column('1'), sql.func.count, nested_cols=list(self.mapper.primary_key)) def _col_aggregate(self, col, func, nested_cols=None): >> return self._col_aggregate(sql.literal_column('1'), sql.func.count, nested_cols=list(self.mapper.primary_key)) Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1125 in _col_aggregate << if self._autoflush and not self._populate_existing: self.session._autoflush() return self.session.scalar(s, params=self._params, mapper=self.mapper) def compile(self): >> return self.session.scalar(s, params=self._params, mapper=self.mapper) Module sqlalchemy.orm.session:635 in scalar << engine = self.get_bind(mapper, clause=clause, instance=instance) return self.__connection(engine, close_with_result=True).scalar(clause, params or {}) def close(self): >> return self.__connection(engine, close_with_result=True).scalar(clause, params or {}) Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:834 in scalar << """ return self.execute(object, *multiparams, **params).scalar() def statement_compiler(self, statement, **kwargs): >> return self.execute(object, *multiparams, **params).scalar() Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:844 in execute << for c in type(object).__mro__: if c in Connection.executors: return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params) else: raise exceptions.InvalidRequestError("Unexecutable object type: " + str(type(object))) >> return Connection.executors[c](self, object, multiparams, params) Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:895 in execute_clauseelement << else: keys = None return self._execute_compiled(elem.compile(dialect=self.dialect, column_keys=keys, inline=len(params) > 1), distilled_params=params) def _execute_compiled(self, compiled, multiparams=None, params=None, distilled_params=None): >> return self._execute_compiled(elem.compile(dialect=self.dialect, column_keys=keys, inline=len(params) > 1), distilled_params=params) Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:907 in _execute_compiled << context.pre_execution() self.__execute_raw(context) context.post_execution() self._autocommit(context) >> self.__execute_raw(context) Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:916 in __execute_raw << self._cursor_executemany(context.cursor, context.statement, context.parameters, context=context) else: self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement, context.parameters[0], context=context) def _execute_ddl(self, ddl, params, multiparams): >> self._cursor_execute(context.cursor, context.statement, context.parameters[0], context=context) Module sqlalchemy.engine.base:958 in _cursor_execute << self.engine.logger.info(repr(parameters)) try: self.dialect.do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context) except Exception, e: self._handle_dbapi_exception(e, statement, parameters, cursor) >> self.dialect.do_execute(cursor, statement, parameters, context=context) Module sqlalchemy.engine.default:133 in do_execute << def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None): cursor.execute(statement, parameters) def is_disconnect(self, e): >> cursor.execute(statement, parameters) UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb4' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128) |
1274265928000000 | 1291831177000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#319 | defect | dread | dread | closed | fixed | Local Authority license misnamed in migration script 18 |
Migration script 18 converts license "OKD Compliant::Local Authority Copyright with data.gov.uk rights" into "uklocalauthority-withrights" when it should be "localauth-withrights", according to the license service SoS 2. This causes clients difficulties looking it up. |
1274349714000000 | 1274366882000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#322 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Client interface for Notification Service |
Use cases
Routing detailRouting key format: "OBJ_TYPE" (NB tags should be identified by their name, not ID) Example routing keys
Example queue bindings that clients may use:
VersioningSince message payloads will be tied into the REST Entities, it makes sense to join up with the REST versioning. This could be achieved by providing new exchanges called 'ckan-1.1' perhaps? Documentation
1274720042000000 | 1277722821000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#323 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Notification message |
Which events to notify onListed by domain object, these are the notification message 'change types' that will be sent:
Also it is clear that it could be useful to know when db-wide maintenance is carried out:
Ignored domain objectsThese parts of the domain model will not carry notifications as no use case has been identified for them:
Message formatA notification message's header contains the routing key, identifying the object type. The client is probably interested in the object (all use cases so far), so it makes sense to send the object in the payload. This should be the JSON-encoded dictionary exactly as provided for the object's REST Entity. For the 'db' notifications there shall be no payload. |
1274723333000000 | 1278578841000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#324 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Search indexing using notifications |
Currently search indexing is triggered directly using a Postgresql db callback. Now take advantage of the Notification system to register interest in all package changes and db changes to trigger this instead. The indexing shall run in a separate shell/process, managed by supervisord. |
1274723483000000 | 1278599927000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#325 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Event push notification |
As aCKAN client program I want tobe notified when changes to the CKAN metadata occur. Examples of use
ContextThe current state of CKAN can be queried through the REST API, you can keep track of changes by reviewing the feeds, but there is no way to find out the instant something is changed, without costly polling. DesignSplit-off into two tickets:
TestingTo test notifications, Carrot / AMQP will be configured to use a native-Python Queue, instead of requiring RabbitMQ to be running on the machine. Related
1274723512000000 | 1278599979000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#326 | task | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Centralise importation of json library |
Later versions of python use json which is better than simplejson, but it must be kept as an option for compatibility. So centralise the import of json to ckan.lib.helpers. |
1274784223000000 | 1274789296000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#329 | defect | rgrp | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Bad dates cause exception on Gov form |
ReproductionUsing the government form, create a new package with name 'test' and date released of '23/5/0210'. The result is a 500 error and 'Server Error' message. Affects all versions of CKAN. Why it's happeningThe dates module is raising an exception on the invalid date when saving the date, which is not being caught. The exception should have been raised only during the earlier 'validation' step and that would be caught. |
1275060617000000 | 1275079189000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#330 | defect | dread | dread | closed | fixed | getdata/ons timezone not recognised on non-British servers |
The python time module is supposed to recognise timezones such as 'UTC', 'GMT' and 'BST' using the %Z parameter. This works fine on British installs, but the buildbot (for example) gives this error: DateConvertError?: Could not read date as ISO format "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z". Date provided: "Mon, 04 Jan 2010 09:30:00 BST" It turns out that it only recognises local names of timezones. The ONS import doesn't care much about timezone, so we should just ignore it, avoiding these problems. |
1275300271000000 | 1275303122000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#333 | enhancement | dread | v1.1 | closed | wontfix | CKAN front end requirements for package notifications |
Use case: new package
The notification message (step 5) has to get through to the front-end that the new package is created before the redirect (step 6). This suggests that the message sending needs to be *synchronous*, i.e. acknowledged by the front-end, before CKAN redirects the user to the front-end package listing page (step 6). In addition, this use case suggests the front-end listens for package notifications, to save another call to CKAN to get the package details, before the displaying the list of packages. If this isn't possible (see next use case) and it must listen for revision notifications instead, then perhaps it is worth including the full package details in the payload for the revision notification message. Would there be a problem with such a large message in the next use case, with 100 packages? Use case: CKAN imports packages
The package addition could be achieved in 1 revision, 100 revisions or some compromise:
This use case suggests a bulk import of packages should go into one revision, and therefore generate one revision notification message and 100 package notification messages. The front-end client should listen to only revision messages. |
1275324042000000 | 1275407987000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#334 | defect | pudo | dread | closed | fixed | Wrong link for package feed icon |
This is a problem with the package page e.g. http://ckan.net/package/open-election-data-project . The feed icon links to [1] and the text next to it "Subscribe" links to [2]. Surely these should be the same? The second link seems to right one to me. |
1275407445000000 | 1280743667000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#335 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Post-package-edit redirect to configurable URL |
As athird-party interface to a CKAN instance I want tolink to CKAN's package creation/editing pages. On 'commit', have the user redirected back to a URL in my interface that I can control. Also, when the package is created new, I need to be told what the new package's name is on return. Design
ExampleFront-end links to: http://ca.ckan.net/package/new?return_to=http://datadotgc.ca/dataset/<NAME> (but with the parameter URL-encoded) When finished editing and the user commits, CKAN redirects the user to: http://datadotgc.ca/dataset/pollution_data |
1275408834000000 | 1276179605000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#340 | enhancement | dread | dread | v1.1 | closed | fixed | Web UI theme easier to configure |
An install of CKAN should be configurable without changing any of the installed files. This makes it clear to upgrade CKAN. Complete the changes in this wiki page to allow static files to be served from outside CKAN paths over CKAN versions and additional CSS file to be pulled in. |
1276009729000000 | 1328807317000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#341 | enhancement | dread | closed | fixed | Web UI accepts package IDs in URLs |
(in the same way that we can refer to packages in the API by ID as well as name.) As aclient of CKAN I want tolink to a package page in the UI, referring to it by ID |
1276162400000000 | 1277483030000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#342 | enhancement | dread | dread | closed | fixed | JSONP parameter in API |
As aCKAN client using JQuery I want tocall the CKAN API and instead of receiving back JSON I get JSONP. i.e. "%s(%s)" % (callback, json_content) Suggested implementationAll API calls allow the JSONP 'callback' parameter to be specified in the request and this wraps the JSON response. See suggested patch to rest.py by Donovan Hide: http://knowledgeforge.net/ckan/trac/attachment/ticket/336/resource.patch Testimport re import unittest def test_jsonp_callback():
I think the point needs to be made that JSONP only works for GET requests and not POST/PUT/DELETE, so there needs to be a check for that in the _finish_ok method. (thanks to Donovan Hide for test) |
1276166426000000 | 1276278485000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#343 | defect | johnbywater | dread | closed | fixed | Packages referred by ID in API |
When you do a Package Search or query a Package Relationship in the API version 2, the responses have relationships which refer to packages by name, not by ID. |
1276180179000000 | 1278066420000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#344 | defect | dread | closed | fixed | REST Create package with incorrect format gives 500 error |
PUT to /rest/api/package of {"name": "name", "resources": ["someurl.com/data"] } (i.e. resource is a string, not a dictionary) gives 500 error, when it should give a 400 error and helpful error message. Exception: Module ckan.controllers.rest:154 in create << if register == 'package' and not subregister: fs = ckan.forms.get_standard_fieldset() request_fa_dict = ckan.forms.edit_package_dict(ckan.forms.get_package_dict(fs=fs), request_data) fs = fs.bind(model.Package, data=request_fa_dict, session=model.Session) elif register == 'package' and subregister in model.PackageRelationship.get_all_types(): >> request_fa_dict = ckan.forms.edit_package_dict(ckan.forms.get_package_dict(fs=fs), request_data) Module ckan.forms.package_dict:88 in edit_package_dict << for res_dict in value: res_dict_str = {} for key, value in res_dict.items(): res_dict_str[str(key)] = value resources.append(res_dict_str) >> for key, value in res_dict.items(): AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'items' |
1276341172000000 | 1277477712000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#350 | enhancement | dread | ckan-backlog | reopened | Search engine optimisation |
Need to research what can easily be done to improve CKAN packages in the search rankings. Comments from Glen Barnes: We've been pretty successful at SEO without even really trying (see http://www.google.co.nz/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=auckland+google+transit+feed&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&ei=dsYSTOzJLs2eceuZiI8I as an example). This to me is key. If we are to make data available it has to be findable which is the main reason for a catalogue. There are probably things we should be doing on CKAN like using slugged urls (http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe -> http://www.ckan.net/package/ascoe/atmospheric-chemistry-studies-in-the-oceanic-environment), setting the H1 tag correctly ("Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment" on the example above). Some basic SEO 101 on page optimisations. |
1276594541000000 | 1339774690000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#351 | enhancement | dread | ckan-backlog | new | Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages |
Have a simpler list of exciting data, as opposed to the big revision list. For example: Hot data =========== New packages: package1, package2, package3 Updated resources: package1, package2, package3 Popular packages: |
1276595816000000 | 1339774677000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#352 | enhancement | dread | dread | closed | wontfix | Package notification worker - sends XML-RPC |
As anexternal front-end I want tobe notified (by XML-RPC) about package creations and updates. Implementation
Rather than turning the package fields into XML fields, the JSON dump of the list of package dictionaries will become a single XML parameter. Config - in the CKAN config will be:
1276597996000000 | 1286375870000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#353 | defect | dread | closed | fixed | SOLR search indexing |
As aSOLR instance I want tokeep my search index of CKAN packages up-to-date Implementation
1277123480000000 | 1280756399000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#358 | enhancement | rgrp | dread | ckan-v1.5 | closed | duplicate | Resources in REST API |
(spun out of ticket:336) Resource added to model API at: api/rest/resource Example model requestGET to: /api/2/rest/resource/a3dd8f64-9078-4f04-845c-e3f047125028 returns: [{"id": "a3dd8f64-9078-4f04-845c-e3f047125028", "package_id": "b8a325c8-af2a-43f3-8245-9db7d73dfbfe", "URL": "http://scraperwiki.com/lincolnshire-councillors", "format": "CSV", "Description": "Scrape of www.lincs.gov/councillors.pdf by ScraperWiki.", "hash": "", "position": 2 }] Authorization
Mixed model Create / Edit: if resource associated to package: check_permissions(package, update) else: check_system_permissions(c.user, model.Action.Resouce Create/Update, model.System) |
1277483282000000 | 1310128782000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#362 | defect | dread | dread | closed | invalid | Ratings should not be created with a GET |
BackgroundIn the Web UI, when you rate a package it simply links to something like: http://ckan.net/package/rate/mke-liquor-licenses?rating=3 This creates a GET request. This is bad because:
1278925451000000 | 1311176564000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#363 | defect | kindly | dread | ckan-backlog | closed | wontfix | Blank revisions |
Occasionally we seem to get revisions that are not connected to packages. These shouldn't appear, since all revisioned objects are linked to a package aren't they? They appear on the 'Recently changed' list on the home page with an empty 'Packages' column. |
1278947772000000 | 1310125872000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#364 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | fixed | Search for 'statistic' returns nothing |
On ckan.net there are plenty of packages (and indeed their tags) with the word 'statistic' in them, but no packages turn up when you search for it: http://ckan.net/package/search?q=statistic&search=Search+Packages+%C2%BB (Using Postgres full text search) |
1278949620000000 | 1291637291000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#365 | enhancement | dread | dread | closed | fixed | ResourceNotifications |
If you change a resource then you not only get a PackageNotification?, but also a ResourceNofication?. |
1279037411000000 | 1279300621000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#366 | enhancement | pudo | dread | ckan-v1.4 | closed | fixed | A flash message says why you are redirected to the 'user login' page |
You get redirected for a number of different reasons - often confuses me let alone the average user! Cost: 1h |
1279128058000000 | 1300212171000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#367 | enhancement | dread | dread | closed | fixed | Notfication monitor |
Runs on the commandline and prints out notifications. |
1279303310000000 | 1279303693000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#407 | requirement | dread | closed | wontfix | Link to Scraperwiki |
As auser browsing a CKAN package which has a resource in a bad format I want tobe alerted to the possibility of scraping it on scraperwiki ImplementationThis should be done in a CKAN extension. It should appear in a side-bar on the package read page. If the package does not have a resource with scraperwiki.com in the url, then it displays this message:
Title: Scrape it |
1281348368000000 | 1330769956000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#414 | task | johnbywater | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Change the Apache and Varnish ports |
Ask Paul for a new machine for testing. Then one for varnish-live and one for varnish-test. |
1281431639000000 | 1288003770000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#415 | task | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Chase Talis about loading RDF from CKAN. | 1281431656000000 | 1288003954000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#416 | task | johnbywater | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Meet Evan at COI at 1 o'clock Tuesday 10th August 2010 (to progress Forms API) | 1281431677000000 | 1281529736000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#418 | task | dread | closed | invalid | With COI, get SOLR working | 1281431691000000 | 1291637919000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#420 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Release ckan 1.1 | 1281432518000000 | 1281522091000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#421 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Upgrade test-hmg.ckan.net to latest ckan 1.1 | 1281432541000000 | 1282909772000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#422 | story | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | fixed | Administrator imports meta-data into CKAN |
1281433490000000 | 1292586586000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#424 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Tell JF the format spec & examples | 1281436534000000 | 1282919429000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#426 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Ask list for suggestions improving API docs | 1281436574000000 | 1282925305000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#427 | task | thejimmyg | dread | ckan-v1.4-sprint-3 | closed | fixed | Match licenses from GEMINI document |
1281436611000000 | 1299164063000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#428 | requirement | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Daily dump of DGU CKAN available |
End users want to get hold of a JSON & CSV dump of the DGU data. |
1281703251000000 | 1285757316000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#429 | requirement | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | ONS data is imported daily to DGU | 1281703294000000 | 1285757274000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#432 | defect | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Creating package over REST gives 500 error |
This occurs when CKAN is run with mod_wsgi (not under paster). This is because of a unicode header being creating in rest.py. |
1282065101000000 | 1282552819000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#434 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Logged in user to si.ckan.net causes genshi exception |
Here's the trace: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] Error - <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: list index out of range [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] mod_wsgi (pid=6195): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/py env/bin/si.ckan.net.py'. [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] Traceback (most recent call last): [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/paste/cascade.py", line 130, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return self.apps[-1](environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/paste/registry.py", line 375, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/repoze/who/middleware.py ", line 107, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/middleware.py", l ine 214, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] self.app, new_environ, catch_exc_info=True) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/util.py", line 94 , in call_wsgi_application [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] app_iter = application(environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/weberror/errormiddleware .py", line 156, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return self.application(environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py", l ine 73, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return self.app(environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/beaker/middleware.py", l ine 152, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/routes/middleware.py", l ine 130, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] response = self.app(environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py", line 125, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/wsgiapp.py", line 324, in dispatch [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return controller(environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py", line 73, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core. py", line 221, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] response = self._dispatch_call() [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core. py", line 172, in _dispatch_call [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] response = self._inspect_call(func) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core. py", line 107, in _inspect_call [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] result = self._perform_call(func, args) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pylons/controllers/core. py", line 60, in _perform_call [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return func(**args) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/controllers/error.py", line 32, in doc ument [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] ckan_template = render('error_document_template.html') [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py", line 38, in render [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return render_template() [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/lib/base.py", line 36, in render_templ ate [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return literal(stream.render(method=method, encoding=None)) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/core.py", line 18 3, in render [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return encode(generator, method=method, encoding=encoding, out=out) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 57, in encode [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] return _encode(''.join(list(iterator))) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 339, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for kind, data, pos in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 670, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for kind, data, pos in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 771, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for kind, data, pos in chain(stream, [(None, None, None)]): [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/output.py", line 586, in __call__ [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for ev in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/core.py", line 288, in _ensure [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for event in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 618, in _include [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars): [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 618, in _include [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for event in tmpl.generate(ctxt, **vars): [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 605, in _include [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for event in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/markup.py", line 327, in _match [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for event in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/template/base.py", line 545, in _flatten [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for kind, data, pos in stream: [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/filters/i18n.py", line 177, in _generate [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] for event in msgbuf.translate(gettext(msgbuf.format())): [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/filters/i18n.py", line 1029, in translate [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] parts = parse_msg(string) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] File "/home/okfn/var/srvc/si.ckan.net/pyenv/lib/python2.5/site-packages/genshi/filters/i18n.py", line 1143, in parse_msg [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] parts.append((stack[-1], string)) [Wed Aug 18 11:10:19 2010] [error] [client] IndexError: list index out of range ckan: 1e403927f2bb (metastable) genshi: 0.6 lang: slovenian |
1282130515000000 | 1283189807000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#435 | defect | thejimmyg | dread | ckan-v1.4 | closed | wontfix | Switching between ckan instances causes orphaned postgres processes |
Analysis using pg_top reveals orphaed processes: https://trac.dataco.coi.gov.uk/projects/datagov/ticket/460#comment:6 This followed switching ckan instances on the dgu machine. Do these hang around forever clogging up a db server? Can switching between instances be smoothed to avoid this? |
1282147736000000 | 1298284084000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#436 | bug | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | wontfix | Investigate exception: resource search JSON |
Here's the dump from 22:10 last night: URL: http://ckan.net/api/search/resource?all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class= Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in call << traceback_supplement = Supplement, self, environ
Module beaker.middleware:73 in call << self.cache_manager)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in call << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
Module routes.middleware:130 in call << environSCRIPT_NAME? = environSCRIPT_NAME?[:-1]
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in call <<
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug:
Module ckan.lib.base:73 in call << # available in environpylons.routes_dict?
Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in call << return response(environ, self.start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environpylons.action_method? = func
Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.name, args)
Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""
Module ckan.controllers.rest:400 in search << response.status_int = 400
Module simplejson:384 in loads << parse_constant is None and object_pairs_hook is None
Module simplejson.decoder:402 in decode << """
Module simplejson.decoder:420 in raw_decode << obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
JSONDecodeError: No JSON object could be decoded: line 1 column 0 (char 0) CGI Variables DOCUMENT_ROOT '/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8, application/json' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip,deflate' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'en-us,en;q=0.5' HTTP_CONNECTION 'keep-alive' HTTP_COOKIE 'utma=27730403.1245320310.1281386803.1281386803.1282164955.2; utmz=27730403.1282164955.2.2.utmcsr=jira|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/browse/PLATFORM-892; utmb=27730403.3.10.1282164955; utmc=27730403' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.net' HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE '300' HTTP_REFERER 'http://jira/browse/PLATFORM-892' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7' PATH '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' PATH_INFO '/api/search/resource' PATH_TRANSLATED '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py/api/search/resource' QUERY_STRING 'all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '20720' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/api/search/resource?all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py' SCRIPT_URI 'http://ckan.net/api/search/resource' SCRIPT_URL '/api/search/resource' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.net' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware? object at 0xa1c13ec> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager? object at 0xa1c142c> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware?._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware? object at 0xa1c12ac>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1282165818.0880959, '_creation_time': 1282165818.0880959} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.listener_host mod_wsgi.listener_port '80' mod_wsgi.process_group mod_wsgi.reload_mechanism '0' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (2, 5) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: __utma='27730403.1245320310.1281386803.1281386803.1282164955.2' __utmb='27730403.3.10.1282164955' __utmc='27730403' __utmz='27730403.1282164955.2.2.utmcsr=jira|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/browse/PLATFORM-892'>, 'utma=27730403.1245320310.1281386803.1281386803.1282164955.2; utmz=27730403.1282164955.2.2.utmcsr=jira|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/browse/PLATFORM-892; utmb=27730403.3.10.1282164955; utmc=27730403') paste.parsed_querystring ([('all_fields', '1'), ('offset', '0'), ('limit', '20'), ('qjson', '<span class=')], 'all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x130ed84c> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method RestController?.search of <ckan.controllers.rest.RestController? object at 0xe9bbe0c>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.rest.RestController? object at 0xe9bbe0c> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext? object at 0xe9bbe8c> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'search', 'controller': u'rest', 'register': u'resource'} repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger instance at 0xa3cb0cc> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin? 170067148>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin? 171739788>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0xa102fac> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x13a5a3cc> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([('all_fields', '1'), ('offset', '0'), ('limit', '20'), ('qjson', '<span class=')]), 'all_fields=1&offset=0&limit=20&qjson=%3Cspan%20class=') webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x12f53530> wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0x13a5a3cc>, {'action': u'search', 'controller': u'rest', 'register': u'resource'}) |
1282206959000000 | 1288003983000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#437 | bug | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Buildbot test failures - ascii codec |
On today's buildbot: http://buildbot.okfn.org/builders/buildbot-test/builds/201 2 failures about ascii (ignore other 2) |
1282223640000000 | 1288004009000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#438 | requirement | dread | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | invalid | Data importers use minimal processing |
e.g. ONS importer |
1282224383000000 | 1294661079000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#439 | task | dread | closed | fixed | Plan server requirements for DGU |
Using use cases for security etc. Draw diagram to satisfy use cases. Communicate to Paul and therefore TSO. |
1282224452000000 | 1294413903000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#440 | task | dread | dread | closed | duplicate | Write and pass comprehensive performance tests |
Run latest ckan on eu0. Automate some queries and searches. Check load and database connections / processes. |
1282226932000000 | 1294417436000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#441 | requirement | dread | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | duplicate | CKAN read-only state |
When performing maintenance on CKAN it may be necessary to make CKAN obviously read-only, telling the users and restricting access to 'edit' pages. Examples of use:
1282227314000000 | 1292586309000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#442 | requirement | dread | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | worksforme | Importing data |
Review what chunks of code we have and how to move forward with requirements. Requirements:
Possible future requirements:
Current importers:
1282228977000000 | 1294661028000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#443 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Get DGU daily dump working (local) |
1282299046000000 | 1282735977000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#444 | task | dread | closed | duplicate | Discuss package relationships ideas with JF |
1282299238000000 | 1294414008000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#446 | task | dread | closed | invalid | Server configuration query (?) |
1282299385000000 | 1294414077000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#448 | story | thejimmyg | dread | closed | invalid | [Assist with] editing packages through Drupal | 1282299478000000 | 1294417061000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#450 | task | dread | closed | fixed | Assist with proxying of static media for forms |
John did this a while ago. |
1282299573000000 | 1287997487000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#451 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | invalid | Show/Allow only departments associated with user |
Use drupal api |
1282299641000000 | 1292587233000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#452 | task | dread | closed | fixed | Assist with using package update error form | 1282299647000000 | 1287997540000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#454 | story | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Import ONS data via API | 1282299851000000 | 1286376044000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#456 | story | johnbywater | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | duplicate | Daily dump | 1282299917000000 | 1282665858000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#457 | story | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Dump database on a daily basis | 1282299921000000 | 1282909051000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#463 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | worksforme | package diff exception |
Investigate exception: URL: http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__ << __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker) except: >> app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__ << self.cache_manager) environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response) >> return self.app(environ, start_response) Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__ << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie)) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) def _get_session(self): >> return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__ << environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1] response = self.app(environ, start_response) # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already >> response = self.app(environ, start_response) Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__ << controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response, >> response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug: log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface") return controller(environ, start_response) def load_test_env(self, environ): >> return controller(environ, start_response) Module ckan.lib.base:73 in __call__ << # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict'] try: return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) finally: model.Session.remove() >> return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__ << return response(environ, self.start_response) response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called: self.start_response = start_response >> response = self._dispatch_call() Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func response = self._inspect_call(func) else: if log_debug: >> response = self._inspect_call(func) Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.__name__, args) try: result = self._perform_call(func, args) except HTTPException, httpe: if log_debug: >> result = self._perform_call(func, args) Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method""" __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this' return func(**args) def _inspect_call(self, func): >> return func(**args) Module ckan.controllers.revision:119 in diff << c.revision_to = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get( request.params.getone('diff')) diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from) c.diff = diff.items() c.diff.sort() >> diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from) Module ckan.model.package:340 in diff << display_id = to_obj_rev.tag.name elif obj_class.__name__ == 'PackageExtra': display_id = to_obj_rev.key else: display_id = related_obj_id[:4] >> display_id = to_obj_rev.key AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key' CGI Variables AUTH_TYPE 'cookie' DOCUMENT_ROOT '/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT 'application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5' HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'en-US,en;q=0.8' HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL 'max-age=0' HTTP_COOKIE '__utmz=27730403.1281000628.1.6.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ckan; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; __utma=27730403.1381387877.1281962773.1282248244.1282250173.11; __utmc=27730403; __utmb=27730403.6.10.1282250173' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.net' HTTP_REFERER 'http://ckan.net/package/history/dbtune-audioscrobbler' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.490.1 Safari/534.6' PATH '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' PATH_INFO '/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' PATH_TRANSLATED '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' QUERY_STRING 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '55102' REMOTE_USER 'http://pudo.org/' REMOTE_USER_TOKENS [''] REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py' SCRIPT_URI 'http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' SCRIPT_URL '/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.net' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware object at 0xbb528cc> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager object at 0xbb528ec> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0xbb5286c>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1282252047.603267, '_creation_time': 1282252047.603267} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.listener_host '' mod_wsgi.listener_port '80' mod_wsgi.process_group '' mod_wsgi.reload_mechanism '0' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (2, 5) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: __utma='27730403.1381387877.1281962773.1282248244.1282250173.11' __utmb='27730403.6.10.1282250173' __utmc='27730403' __utmz='27730403.1281000628.1.6.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ckan' auth_tkt='e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!'>, '__utmz=27730403.1281000628.1.6.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ckan; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; __utma=27730403.1381387877.1281962773.1282248244.1282250173.11; __utmc=27730403; __utmb=27730403.6.10.1282250173') paste.parsed_querystring ([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')], 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0xf702aec> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method RevisionController.diff of <ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xf6eaf0c>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xf6eaf0c> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext object at 0xf6eaa8c> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'} repoze.who.identity <repoze.who identity (hidden, dict-like) at 280815340> repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger instance at 0xbcdfccc> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin 196612236>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin 198048140>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0xbbc44cc> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xf5e55ec> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')]), 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c') webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0xfe0b0b0> wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xf5e55ec>, {'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'}) |
1282306037000000 | 1294916148000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#464 | task | rgrp | dread | closed | duplicate | Request dgu db server access | 1282306104000000 | 1282325194000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#474 | task | dread | dread | closed | wontfix | Questions related to fi.ckan.net |
Several questions to answer (and see file in email). To respond to the Finnish team and copy all Q&A to the ckan-discuss list. 1 ) I have played with two different datasets to get the metadata from those imported to CKAN. The other dataset is in PCAXIS format and other one is in Excel format. Please find the scripts + sample files attached in a zip file that contains instructions too to run the scripts. I looked at import scripts written in object oriented manner and getdata samples in CKAN but it was easier for me too write these from scratch (copied the unicrap function from CKAN samples). If I run the PCAXIS import script I get Unicode decode error (see errors file). When I use the unicrap function then the error does not appear in logs. I assume this is some Python environment setting issue. Of course I would like to run the script without unicrap function to get scandic letter imported correctly to ckan(and displayed in WUI). In Excel case there is no scandic letter issue which is kind of strange but this probably relates how the Excel library handles encoding. To be honest the whole unicode/encoding/decoding issue has been quite difficult to deal with and debug. I hope I would get proper environment configuration to handle scandic letters. 2 ) It seem in CKAN by default the localisation file contains 462 strings. The transifex link Rufus sent contains 400 strings. Is transifex the one we should use as localisation file ? Where are the rest 62 strings then fetched from or are they needed at all. I have found that as I have been using the .po file coming in CKAN source (which has API translations too) this also causes similar unicode problems when an error in API occurs (the API error messages containing scandic letters provide the similar UnicodeDecoding? errors as mentioned above). So, it seems the unicode issues appear in various cases. Maybe a proper environment settings will be able to prevent also these problems... If transifex is the one to use I can prepare it and maybe then you could upload it to fi.ckan.net as there will be also other people checking the translations. To run the test and see the API translation errors especially in pcaxis case I would recommend to install attached FI translations to your environment and include lang = fi configuration. It looks like the API errors does not come when running default lang = en. 3 ) Is it possible to change the license selection/options available in license field drop-down ? Where are these located and can these be modified locally ? 4) It looks like the values stored in package extra fields are not searchable. Is this intentional ? It looks more or less that all other fields can be searched using free-text search in CKAN. 5) How package dependencies are defined and managed ? For instance we want to import some packages in a manner that the other package is a child package of another. Does API support this and/or is this possible to do in WUI ? Best Regards, Henri |
1282312255000000 | 1294916760000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#500 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | duplicate | Exception from diff |
Investigate exception occured occasionally in last couple of days on ckan.net: WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key' URL: http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__ << __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response) app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker) except: >> app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker) Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__ << self.cache_manager) environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return self.app(environ, start_response) >> return self.app(environ, start_response) Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__ << headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie)) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) def _get_session(self): >> return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__ << environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1] response = self.app(environ, start_response) # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already >> response = self.app(environ, start_response) Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__ << controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response) response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response, >> response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response) Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch << if log_debug: log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface") return controller(environ, start_response) def load_test_env(self, environ): >> return controller(environ, start_response) Module ckan.lib.base:73 in __call__ << # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict'] try: return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) finally: model.Session.remove() >> return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__ << return response(environ, self.start_response) response = self._dispatch_call() if not start_response_called: self.start_response = start_response >> response = self._dispatch_call() Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call << req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func response = self._inspect_call(func) else: if log_debug: >> response = self._inspect_call(func) Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call << func.__name__, args) try: result = self._perform_call(func, args) except HTTPException, httpe: if log_debug: >> result = self._perform_call(func, args) Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call << """Hide the traceback for everything above this method""" __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this' return func(**args) def _inspect_call(self, func): >> return func(**args) Module ckan.controllers.revision:119 in diff << c.revision_to = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get( request.params.getone('diff')) diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from) c.diff = diff.items() c.diff.sort() >> diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from) Module ckan.model.package:340 in diff << display_id = to_obj_rev.tag.name elif obj_class.__name__ == 'PackageExtra': display_id = to_obj_rev.key else: display_id = related_obj_id[:4] >> display_id = to_obj_rev.key AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key' CGI Variables DOCUMENT_ROOT '/htdocs' GATEWAY_INTERFACE 'CGI/1.1' HTTP_ACCEPT '*/*' HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 'gzip' HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 'zh-cn,zh-tw' HTTP_CONNECTION 'close' HTTP_HOST 'ckan.net' HTTP_USER_AGENT 'Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm)' PATH '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' PATH_INFO '/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' PATH_TRANSLATED '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' QUERY_STRING 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c' REMOTE_ADDR '' REMOTE_PORT '63767' REQUEST_METHOD 'GET' REQUEST_URI '/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c' SCRIPT_FILENAME '/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py' SCRIPT_URI 'http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' SCRIPT_URL '/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler' SERVER_ADDR '' SERVER_ADMIN '[no address given]' SERVER_NAME 'ckan.net' SERVER_PORT '80' SERVER_PROTOCOL 'HTTP/1.1' SERVER_SIGNATURE '<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n' SERVER_SOFTWARE 'Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2' WSGI Variables application <beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware object at 0x9f603ec> beaker.cache <beaker.cache.CacheManager object at 0x9f6042c> beaker.get_session <bound method SessionMiddleware._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0x9f602ac>> beaker.session {'_accessed_time': 1282385101.4243281, '_creation_time': 1282385101.4243281} mod_wsgi.application_group 'ckan.net|' mod_wsgi.callable_object 'application' mod_wsgi.listener_host '' mod_wsgi.listener_port '80' mod_wsgi.process_group '' mod_wsgi.reload_mechanism '0' mod_wsgi.script_reloading '1' mod_wsgi.version (2, 5) paste.cookies (<SimpleCookie: >, '') paste.parsed_querystring ([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')], 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c') paste.registry <paste.registry.Registry object at 0x104552ec> paste.throw_errors True pylons.action_method <bound method RevisionController.diff of <ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xfb17aec>> pylons.controller <ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xfb17aec> pylons.environ_config {'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'} pylons.pylons <pylons.util.PylonsContext object at 0x10286d4c> pylons.routes_dict {'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'} repoze.who.logger <logging.Logger instance at 0xa16e0cc> repoze.who.plugins {'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin 167584972>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin 169253516>} routes.route <routes.route.Route object at 0x9f3690c> routes.url <routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xfd8d7cc> webob._parsed_query_vars (GET([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')]), 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c') webob.adhoc_attrs {'language': 'en-us'} wsgi process 'Multi process AND threads (?)' wsgi.file_wrapper <built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x103a5bf0> wsgiorg.routing_args (<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xfd8d7cc>, {'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'}) |
1282553033000000 | 1287747652000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#508 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Create branch ultrastable |
1282663663000000 | 1282908795000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#509 | story | dread | dread | closed | invalid | ONS data imported daily | 1282665870000000 | 1291734435000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#510 | enhancement | dread | dread | closed | fixed | Setup cron for ons import | 1282665939000000 | 1294138332000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#511 | requirement | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | worksforme | Better warnings and errors when using API | 1282754677000000 | 1297075354000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#512 | story | dread | closed | duplicate | User creates package via API with incorrect core fields specified | 1282754750000000 | 1294917121000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#513 | task | dread | closed | wontfix | Creating a package with API should warn if there are incorrect fields |
When you create a package using the API, you might get a core field name wrong e.g. 'title' mispelt as 'titel' or 'groups' (which can't be specified in package creation). Currently that field will be ignored by the API. It should warn or give an error, rather than give 200 OK. |
1282754802000000 | 1302774329000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#514 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | duplicate | Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API |
When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all. I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime. |
1282757357000000 | 1282757391000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#515 | defect | kindly | dread | ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 | closed | fixed | Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API |
When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all. I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime. |
1282757360000000 | 1302774268000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#516 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Double-escaped text visible - revision page |
At: http://ckan.net/revision you can see: "Next »" on pager This doesn't seem to be a problem with earlier (1.0.1) version. |
1282829539000000 | 1288002933000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#534 | defect | johnbywater | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | buildbot config - database machine moved |
Configure buildbot to use postgres db which has been moved to eu5.okfn.org pudo said: Could you perhaps also comment on http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/466 with a hint on how to update this properly? I only edited /home/buildslave/okfn/full/build/buildandsmoke/buildandsmoke.ini which was the only occurence of the DB credentials I could find there. |
1283165568000000 | 1288002762000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#535 | defect | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | duplicate | genshi error when logged into sl.ckan.net |
Genshi exception when rendering the page whilst logged in to sl.ckan.net. |
1283165774000000 | 1283167040000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#536 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Extend base importer merging in resources |
Multiple ONS records can go into one package e.g. Stats for Jan, Stats for Feb, Stats for Mar etc. We already identify an existing package by 'external_id'. Now need to find package by title and an extra field (department in ONS case) and allow it to merge in resource and tags. Alert if rest of meta data is different. |
1283173313000000 | 1286376029000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#653 | requirement | dread | ckan-backlog | new | Trackback links for packages |
When people link to a package, a track-back link is auto-created. (Similar system as for blogs). As suggested by Tim Davies: Allowing some form of ‘track back’ against datasets When a non-technical user comes to look at a dataset it would be really useful for them to be able to see if anyone has created an interface interpretation of it already. I found quite a few cases in research of end-users struggling to make sense of a dataset when good interfaces to that data had already been built and blogged about, but without there being any link from the dataset listing to those data uses. Accepting track backs could also make it easier for technical users to find blog posts / shared code etc. relating to a given dataset. |
1285062025000000 | 1339774636000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#659 | enhancement | nils.toedtmann | dread | closed | fixed | Check CKAN instance works automatically |
Auto way to check web and API interface of a CKAN instance basically works. Several gotchas can be quickly determined, such as logging in, search not working. Needs to be configurable per site basis. |
1285348333000000 | 1311183031000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#660 | requirement | dread | closed | invalid | Check CKAN instance works |
As an admin I want to check a CKAN instance works having just upgraded it or configured it. |
1285348463000000 | 1311183115000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#661 | task | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | fixed | Create CKAN site tester |
From Rufus: 'blackbox' testing command (read-only only would be fine) -- very useful for upgrade on sunday On blackbox thinking of something like: paster test-site http://hmg.ckan.net {package-name} Or (maybe better): paster test-site --site-spec {myconfig.json} my-config is a json file with info for testing (could overload --config rather than site-spec): site-url: http://hmg.ckan.net/ package-name: package-title: ...etc ... Then: Test front-page Test /revision/ Test /package/{page} -- check title Test /package/history Test /api/rest/package/ ... Test /api/search/package ... etc |
1285348558000000 | 1288271266000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#663 | defect | kindly | dread | ckan-v1.4 | closed | fixed | Duplicate sibling relationships displayed |
Looking at: http://ckan.net/package/rkb-explorer-acm 'rkb-explorer-resex' gets display multiple times and shouldn't |
1285576369000000 | 1298913603000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#667 | defect | thejimmyg | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | wontfix | API is slow |
See message and script: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2010-September/000569.html 1500 requests shouldn't take hours. |
1285885228000000 | 1297069121000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#677 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | fixed | License change script |
1286384756000000 | 1292587315000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#678 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.2 | closed | fixed | Form for DGU metadata v3 |
1286385712000000 | 1286979133000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#679 | task | thejimmyg | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | fixed | Improve standard package edit form |
1286386050000000 | 1294166120000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#680 | task | dread | dread | closed | fixed | Prepare for DGU tech meeting | 1286386074000000 | 1287141809000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#681 | task | dread | dread | ckan-v1.3 | closed | fixed | Department field bug | 1286386685000000 | 1290507180000000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#682 | enhancement | dread | dread | ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 | closed | fixed | Add ckanclient tests to buildbot |
Some work done on this to make tests run independently. |
1286386769000000 | 1297358266000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#683 | story | dread | dread | closed | fixed | metastable, stable & ultrastable smoketests run by buildbot | 1286388134000000 | 1287142289000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#684 | task | dread | dread | closed | fixed | metastable tested on buildbot | 1286388181000000 | 1286452710000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#685 | task | dread | dread | closed | fixed | stable tested on buildbot | 1286388206000000 | 1287997008000000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#686 | task | dread | dread | closed | wontfix | ultrastable tested on buildbot | 1286388225000000 | 1287997047000000 |