{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (401 - 500 of 2647)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#437 bug dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Buildbot test failures - ascii codec

On today's buildbot: http://buildbot.okfn.org/builders/buildbot-test/builds/201

2 failures about ascii (ignore other 2)

1282223640000000 1288004009000000
#438 requirement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Data importers use minimal processing

e.g. ONS importer

1282224383000000 1294661079000000
#439 task dread closed fixed Plan server requirements for DGU

Using use cases for security etc. Draw diagram to satisfy use cases. Communicate to Paul and therefore TSO.

1282224452000000 1294413903000000
#440 task dread dread closed duplicate Write and pass comprehensive performance tests

Run latest ckan on eu0. Automate some queries and searches. Check load and database connections / processes.

1282226932000000 1294417436000000
#441 requirement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate CKAN read-only state

When performing maintenance on CKAN it may be necessary to make CKAN obviously read-only, telling the users and restricting access to 'edit' pages.

Examples of use:

  • Administrator wants to upgrade CKAN or move it to another server. During this time the database is being administered and either edits are lost or can't be done.
  • A CKAN is used just for distributing metadata and so is always read-only. Updates may still arrive through direct db manipulation, e.g.:
    • another (but writable) CKAN instance is connected to the same db
    • restoring database dumps from another CKAN db
  • Should a security be breached, all editing could be stopped
1282227314000000 1292586309000000
#442 requirement dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme Importing data

Review what chunks of code we have and how to move forward with requirements.


  • Bulk parsing is done away from the CKAN server

Possible future requirements:

  • /importer for importing spreadsheets in WUI
  • validation-light - 'scoring' a package

Current importers:


  • pkg_dict --form--> fs & validation
  • fs --PackageSaver?--> package
1282228977000000 1294661028000000
#443 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Get DGU daily dump working (local)
  • Producing daily dump file
  • Publishing at ckan.net/dumps/ or better
1282299046000000 1282735977000000
#444 task dread closed duplicate Discuss package relationships ideas with JF
  • Create test data on visible ckan
  • Discuss with JF
1282299238000000 1294414008000000
#446 task dread closed invalid Server configuration query (?)
  • Ensure use case is in design - "an admin writes to the CKAN API" (and see JB notes on paper)
  • Communicate how this is planned to be achieved in design to JF
1282299385000000 1294414077000000
#448 story thejimmyg dread closed invalid [Assist with] editing packages through Drupal 1282299478000000 1294417061000000
#450 task dread closed fixed Assist with proxying of static media for forms

John did this a while ago.

1282299573000000 1287997487000000
#451 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Show/Allow only departments associated with user

Use drupal api

1282299641000000 1292587233000000
#452 task dread closed fixed Assist with using package update error form 1282299647000000 1287997540000000
#454 story dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Import ONS data via API 1282299851000000 1286376044000000
#456 story johnbywater dread ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Daily dump 1282299917000000 1282665858000000
#457 story dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Dump database on a daily basis 1282299921000000 1282909051000000
#463 defect dread ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme package diff exception

Investigate exception:

URL: http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c
Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__
<<              __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
                   sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response)
                   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
                   return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__
<<                                                     self.cache_manager)
               environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
>>  return self.app(environ, start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__
<<                          headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
                   return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
               return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
           def _get_session(self):
>>  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__
<<                  environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1]
               response = self.app(environ, start_response)
               # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already
>>  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__
               controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)
               response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
               if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,
>>  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch
<<          if log_debug:
                   log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
               return controller(environ, start_response)
           def load_test_env(self, environ):
>>  return controller(environ, start_response)
Module ckan.lib.base:73 in __call__
<<          # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']    
                   return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__
<<                  return response(environ, self.start_response)
               response = self._dispatch_call()
               if not start_response_called:
                   self.start_response = start_response
>>  response = self._dispatch_call()
Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call
<<              req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func
                   response = self._inspect_call(func)
                   if log_debug:
>>  response = self._inspect_call(func)
Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call
<<                        func.__name__, args)
                   result = self._perform_call(func, args)
               except HTTPException, httpe:
                   if log_debug:
>>  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call
<<          """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""
               __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this'
               return func(**args)
           def _inspect_call(self, func):
>>  return func(**args)
Module ckan.controllers.revision:119 in diff
<<          c.revision_to = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get(
               diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from)
               c.diff = diff.items()
>>  diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from)
Module ckan.model.package:340 in diff
<<                              display_id = to_obj_rev.tag.name
                               elif obj_class.__name__ == 'PackageExtra':
                                   display_id = to_obj_rev.key
                                   display_id = related_obj_id[:4]
>>  display_id = to_obj_rev.key
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key'
CGI Variables
AUTH_TYPE	'cookie'
HTTP_ACCEPT	'application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5'
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET	'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3'
HTTP_COOKIE	'__utmz=27730403.1281000628.1.6.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ckan; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; __utma=27730403.1381387877.1281962773.1282248244.1282250173.11; __utmc=27730403; __utmb=27730403.6.10.1282250173'
HTTP_HOST	'ckan.net'
HTTP_REFERER	'http://ckan.net/package/history/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
HTTP_USER_AGENT	'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.490.1 Safari/534.6'
PATH	'/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'
PATH_INFO	'/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
PATH_TRANSLATED	'/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
QUERY_STRING	'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c'
REMOTE_USER	'http://pudo.org/'
REQUEST_URI	'/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c'
SCRIPT_FILENAME	'/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py'
SCRIPT_URI	'http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
SCRIPT_URL	'/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
SERVER_ADMIN	'[no address given]'
SERVER_NAME	'ckan.net'
SERVER_SIGNATURE	'<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n'
SERVER_SOFTWARE	'Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2'
WSGI Variables
application	<beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware object at 0xbb528cc>
beaker.cache	<beaker.cache.CacheManager object at 0xbb528ec>
beaker.get_session	<bound method SessionMiddleware._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0xbb5286c>>
beaker.session	{'_accessed_time': 1282252047.603267, '_creation_time': 1282252047.603267}
mod_wsgi.application_group	'ckan.net|'
mod_wsgi.callable_object	'application'
mod_wsgi.listener_host	''
mod_wsgi.listener_port	'80'
mod_wsgi.process_group	''
mod_wsgi.reload_mechanism	'0'
mod_wsgi.script_reloading	'1'
mod_wsgi.version	(2, 5)
paste.cookies	(<SimpleCookie: __utma='27730403.1381387877.1281962773.1282248244.1282250173.11' __utmb='27730403.6.10.1282250173' __utmc='27730403' __utmz='27730403.1281000628.1.6.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ckan' auth_tkt='e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!'>, '__utmz=27730403.1281000628.1.6.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=ckan; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; auth_tkt="e919c7bb40f890a0184ed7be95465e1a4c6d130bhttp://pudo.org/!"; __utma=27730403.1381387877.1281962773.1282248244.1282250173.11; __utmc=27730403; __utmb=27730403.6.10.1282250173')
paste.parsed_querystring	([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')], 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')
paste.registry	<paste.registry.Registry object at 0xf702aec>
paste.throw_errors	True
pylons.action_method	<bound method RevisionController.diff of <ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xf6eaf0c>>
pylons.controller	<ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xf6eaf0c>
pylons.environ_config	{'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'}
pylons.pylons	<pylons.util.PylonsContext object at 0xf6eaa8c>
pylons.routes_dict	{'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'}
repoze.who.identity	<repoze.who identity (hidden, dict-like) at 280815340>
repoze.who.logger	<logging.Logger instance at 0xbcdfccc>
repoze.who.plugins	{'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin 196612236>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin 198048140>}
routes.route	<routes.route.Route object at 0xbbc44cc>
routes.url	<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xf5e55ec>
webob._parsed_query_vars	(GET([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')]), 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')
webob.adhoc_attrs	{'language': 'en-us'}
wsgi process	'Multi process AND threads (?)'
wsgi.file_wrapper	<built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0xfe0b0b0>
wsgiorg.routing_args	(<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xf5e55ec>, {'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'})
1282306037000000 1294916148000000
#464 task rgrp dread closed duplicate Request dgu db server access 1282306104000000 1282325194000000
#474 task dread dread closed wontfix Questions related to fi.ckan.net

Several questions to answer (and see file in email). To respond to the Finnish team and copy all Q&A to the ckan-discuss list.

1 ) I have played with two different datasets to get the metadata from those imported to CKAN. The other dataset is in PCAXIS format and other one is in Excel format. Please find the scripts + sample files attached in a zip file that contains instructions too to run the scripts. I looked at import scripts written in object oriented manner and getdata samples in CKAN but it was easier for me too write these from scratch (copied the unicrap function from CKAN samples). If I run the PCAXIS import script I get Unicode decode error (see errors file). When I use the unicrap function then the error does not appear in logs. I assume this is some Python environment setting issue. Of course I would like to run the script without unicrap function to get scandic letter imported correctly to ckan(and displayed in WUI). In Excel case there is no scandic letter issue which is kind of strange but this probably relates how the Excel library handles encoding.

To be honest the whole unicode/encoding/decoding issue has been quite difficult to deal with and debug. I hope I would get proper environment configuration to handle scandic letters.

2 ) It seem in CKAN by default the localisation file contains 462 strings. The transifex link Rufus sent contains 400 strings. Is transifex the one we should use as localisation file ? Where are the rest 62 strings then fetched from or are they needed at all. I have found that as I have been using the .po file coming in CKAN source (which has API translations too) this also causes similar unicode problems when an error in API occurs (the API error messages containing scandic letters provide the similar UnicodeDecoding? errors as mentioned above). So, it seems the unicode issues appear in various cases. Maybe a proper environment settings will be able to prevent also these problems... If transifex is the one to use I can prepare it and maybe then you could upload it to fi.ckan.net as there will be also other people checking the translations. To run the test and see the API translation errors especially in pcaxis case I would recommend to install attached FI translations to your environment and include lang = fi configuration. It looks like the API errors does not come when running default lang = en.

3 ) Is it possible to change the license selection/options available in license field drop-down ? Where are these located and can these be modified locally ?

4) It looks like the values stored in package extra fields are not searchable. Is this intentional ? It looks more or less that all other fields can be searched using free-text search in CKAN.

5) How package dependencies are defined and managed ? For instance we want to import some packages in a manner that the other package is a child package of another. Does API support this and/or is this possible to do in WUI ?

Best Regards, Henri

1282312255000000 1294916760000000
#500 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Exception from diff

Investigate exception occured occasionally in last couple of days on ckan.net:

WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key' 					

URL: http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c
Module weberror.errormiddleware:162 in __call__
<<              __traceback_supplement__ = Supplement, self, environ
                   sr_checker = ResponseStartChecker(start_response)
                   app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
                   return self.make_catching_iter(app_iter, environ, sr_checker)
>>  app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
Module beaker.middleware:73 in __call__
<<                                                     self.cache_manager)
               environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager
               return self.app(environ, start_response)
>>  return self.app(environ, start_response)
Module beaker.middleware:152 in __call__
<<                          headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie))
                   return start_response(status, headers, exc_info)
               return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
           def _get_session(self):
>>  return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response)
Module routes.middleware:130 in __call__
<<                  environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'][:-1]
               response = self.app(environ, start_response)
               # Wrapped in try as in rare cases the attribute will be gone already
>>  response = self.app(environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:125 in __call__
               controller = self.resolve(environ, start_response)
               response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
               if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and hasattr(response,
>>  response = self.dispatch(controller, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.wsgiapp:324 in dispatch
<<          if log_debug:
                   log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
               return controller(environ, start_response)
           def load_test_env(self, environ):
>>  return controller(environ, start_response)
Module ckan.lib.base:73 in __call__
<<          # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']    
                   return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
>>  return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Module pylons.controllers.core:221 in __call__
<<                  return response(environ, self.start_response)
               response = self._dispatch_call()
               if not start_response_called:
                   self.start_response = start_response
>>  response = self._dispatch_call()
Module pylons.controllers.core:172 in _dispatch_call
<<              req.environ['pylons.action_method'] = func
                   response = self._inspect_call(func)
                   if log_debug:
>>  response = self._inspect_call(func)
Module pylons.controllers.core:107 in _inspect_call
<<                        func.__name__, args)
                   result = self._perform_call(func, args)
               except HTTPException, httpe:
                   if log_debug:
>>  result = self._perform_call(func, args)
Module pylons.controllers.core:60 in _perform_call
<<          """Hide the traceback for everything above this method"""
               __traceback_hide__ = 'before_and_this'
               return func(**args)
           def _inspect_call(self, func):
>>  return func(**args)
Module ckan.controllers.revision:119 in diff
<<          c.revision_to = model.Session.query(model.Revision).get(
               diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from)
               c.diff = diff.items()
>>  diff = pkg.diff(c.revision_to, c.revision_from)
Module ckan.model.package:340 in diff
<<                              display_id = to_obj_rev.tag.name
                               elif obj_class.__name__ == 'PackageExtra':
                                   display_id = to_obj_rev.key
                                   display_id = related_obj_id[:4]
>>  display_id = to_obj_rev.key
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key'
CGI Variables
HTTP_HOST	'ckan.net'
HTTP_USER_AGENT	'Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm)'
PATH	'/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'
PATH_INFO	'/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
PATH_TRANSLATED	'/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
QUERY_STRING	'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c'
REQUEST_URI	'/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler?diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c'
SCRIPT_FILENAME	'/home/okfn/var/srvc/ckan.net/pyenv/bin/ckan.net.py'
SCRIPT_URI	'http://ckan.net/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
SCRIPT_URL	'/revision/diff/dbtune-audioscrobbler'
SERVER_ADMIN	'[no address given]'
SERVER_NAME	'ckan.net'
SERVER_SIGNATURE	'<address>Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2 Server at ckan.net Port 80</address>\n'
SERVER_SOFTWARE	'Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_wsgi/2.5 Python/2.5.2'
WSGI Variables
application	<beaker.middleware.CacheMiddleware object at 0x9f603ec>
beaker.cache	<beaker.cache.CacheManager object at 0x9f6042c>
beaker.get_session	<bound method SessionMiddleware._get_session of <beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware object at 0x9f602ac>>
beaker.session	{'_accessed_time': 1282385101.4243281, '_creation_time': 1282385101.4243281}
mod_wsgi.application_group	'ckan.net|'
mod_wsgi.callable_object	'application'
mod_wsgi.listener_host	''
mod_wsgi.listener_port	'80'
mod_wsgi.process_group	''
mod_wsgi.reload_mechanism	'0'
mod_wsgi.script_reloading	'1'
mod_wsgi.version	(2, 5)
paste.cookies	(<SimpleCookie: >, '')
paste.parsed_querystring	([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')], 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')
paste.registry	<paste.registry.Registry object at 0x104552ec>
paste.throw_errors	True
pylons.action_method	<bound method RevisionController.diff of <ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xfb17aec>>
pylons.controller	<ckan.controllers.revision.RevisionController object at 0xfb17aec>
pylons.environ_config	{'session': 'beaker.session', 'cache': 'beaker.cache'}
pylons.pylons	<pylons.util.PylonsContext object at 0x10286d4c>
pylons.routes_dict	{'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'}
repoze.who.logger	<logging.Logger instance at 0xa16e0cc>
repoze.who.plugins	{'openid': <OpenIdIdentificationPlugin 167584972>, 'auth_tkt': <AuthTktCookiePlugin 169253516>}
routes.route	<routes.route.Route object at 0x9f3690c>
routes.url	<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xfd8d7cc>
webob._parsed_query_vars	(GET([('diff', '66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1'), ('oldid', 'a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')]), 'diff=66a47b9e-232a-4838-8674-66fa1a5c76e1&oldid=a99c98be-767a-4e49-9025-2472b2d18b9c')
webob.adhoc_attrs	{'language': 'en-us'}
wsgi process	'Multi process AND threads (?)'
wsgi.file_wrapper	<built-in method file_wrapper of mod_wsgi.Adapter object at 0x103a5bf0>
wsgiorg.routing_args	(<routes.util.URLGenerator object at 0xfd8d7cc>, {'action': u'diff', 'controller': u'revision', 'id': u'dbtune-audioscrobbler'})

1282553033000000 1287747652000000
#508 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Create branch ultrastable
  • Create a branch named ultrastable that represents latest version of 1.0 as found on dgu
    • Going forward ultrastable will act as stable - 1 (and either ultrastable or stable will be on the rock-solid production systems such as dgu)
  • Do not deprecate the stable or metastable branch for the present
  • Ask for recommendations on mailing list about best practice for branching (e.g. versioned based versus a simple HEAD versus stable) and how this affects standard operations such as applying bugfixes.
    • For useful discussion of how to do backporting and applying bugfix patches see: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0374/#backport
    • NB: in general do not always have to apply in stable/ultrastable and merge upwards for bugfixes -- can use transplant extension as well.
1282663663000000 1282908795000000
#509 story dread dread closed invalid ONS data imported daily 1282665870000000 1291734435000000
#510 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Setup cron for ons import 1282665939000000 1294138332000000
#511 requirement dread ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme Better warnings and errors when using API 1282754677000000 1297075354000000
#512 story dread closed duplicate User creates package via API with incorrect core fields specified 1282754750000000 1294917121000000
#513 task dread closed wontfix Creating a package with API should warn if there are incorrect fields

When you create a package using the API, you might get a core field name wrong e.g. 'title' mispelt as 'titel' or 'groups' (which can't be specified in package creation). Currently that field will be ignored by the API. It should warn or give an error, rather than give 200 OK.

1282754802000000 1302774329000000
#514 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API

When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all.

I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime.

1282757357000000 1282757391000000
#515 defect kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API

When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all.

I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime.

1282757360000000 1302774268000000
#516 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Double-escaped text visible - revision page

At: http://ckan.net/revision you can see: "Next &raquo;" on pager This doesn't seem to be a problem with earlier (1.0.1) version.

1282829539000000 1288002933000000
#534 defect johnbywater dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed buildbot config - database machine moved

Configure buildbot to use postgres db which has been moved to eu5.okfn.org

pudo said: Could you perhaps also comment on http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/466 with a hint on how to update this properly? I only edited /home/buildslave/okfn/full/build/buildandsmoke/buildandsmoke.ini which was the only occurence of the DB credentials I could find there.

1283165568000000 1288002762000000
#535 defect dread ckan-v1.2 closed duplicate genshi error when logged into sl.ckan.net

Genshi exception when rendering the page whilst logged in to sl.ckan.net.

1283165774000000 1283167040000000
#536 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Extend base importer merging in resources

Multiple ONS records can go into one package e.g. Stats for Jan, Stats for Feb, Stats for Mar etc.

We already identify an existing package by 'external_id'. Now need to find package by title and an extra field (department in ONS case) and allow it to merge in resource and tags. Alert if rest of meta data is different.

1283173313000000 1286376029000000
#653 requirement dread ckan-backlog new Trackback links for packages

When people link to a package, a track-back link is auto-created. (Similar system as for blogs).

As suggested by Tim Davies:

Allowing some form of ‘track back’ against datasets When a non-technical user comes to look at a dataset it would be really useful for them to be able to see if anyone has created an interface interpretation of it already.

I found quite a few cases in research of end-users struggling to make sense of a dataset when good interfaces to that data had already been built and blogged about, but without there being any link from the dataset listing to those data uses. Accepting track backs could also make it easier for technical users to find blog posts / shared code etc. relating to a given dataset.

1285062025000000 1339774636000000
#659 enhancement nils.toedtmann dread closed fixed Check CKAN instance works automatically

Auto way to check web and API interface of a CKAN instance basically works. Several gotchas can be quickly determined, such as logging in, search not working. Needs to be configurable per site basis.

1285348333000000 1311183031000000
#660 requirement dread closed invalid Check CKAN instance works

As an admin I want to check a CKAN instance works having just upgraded it or configured it.

1285348463000000 1311183115000000
#661 task dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Create CKAN site tester

From Rufus:

'blackbox' testing command (read-only only would be fine) -- very
useful for upgrade on sunday

On blackbox thinking of something like:

paster test-site http://hmg.ckan.net {package-name}

Or (maybe better):

paster test-site --site-spec {myconfig.json}

my-config is a json file with info for testing (could overload
--config rather than site-spec):

site-url: http://hmg.ckan.net/
...etc ...


Test front-page
Test /revision/
Test /package/{page}  -- check title
Test /package/history
Test /api/rest/package/ ...
Test /api/search/package ...
1285348558000000 1288271266000000
#663 defect kindly dread ckan-v1.4 closed fixed Duplicate sibling relationships displayed

Looking at: http://ckan.net/package/rkb-explorer-acm

'rkb-explorer-resex' gets display multiple times and shouldn't

1285576369000000 1298913603000000
#667 defect thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed wontfix API is slow

See message and script: http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/ckan-discuss/2010-September/000569.html

1500 requests shouldn't take hours.

1285885228000000 1297069121000000
#677 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed License change script
  • Uses API to change licenses of all packages in a CKAN instance to a particular one.
  • Run it on DGU.
1286384756000000 1292587315000000
#678 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Form for DGU metadata v3
  • Create form
  • Deploy on test
  • Deploy on live
1286385712000000 1286979133000000
#679 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Improve standard package edit form 1286386050000000 1294166120000000
#680 task dread dread closed fixed Prepare for DGU tech meeting 1286386074000000 1287141809000000
#681 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Department field bug


1286386685000000 1290507180000000
#682 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Add ckanclient tests to buildbot

Some work done on this to make tests run independently.

1286386769000000 1297358266000000
#683 story dread dread closed fixed metastable, stable & ultrastable smoketests run by buildbot 1286388134000000 1287142289000000
#684 task dread dread closed fixed metastable tested on buildbot 1286388181000000 1286452710000000
#685 task dread dread closed fixed stable tested on buildbot 1286388206000000 1287997008000000
#686 task dread dread closed wontfix ultrastable tested on buildbot 1286388225000000 1287997047000000
#687 task dread dread ckan-v1.2 closed fixed Release ckanclient 0.4

Done. Added release process here: wiki:ReleaseProcess

1286452098000000 1286452650000000
#694 bug wwaites dread closed fixed No postgres tools for current version

Database for all CKAN instances upgraded to Postgres 8.4, but none of the eu machines were upgraded with the tools necessary to administer them.

1286977052000000 1287087916000000
#695 bug pudo dread closed fixed Search indexing broken on ckan.net

e.g. searching for 'buddhist' or 'sanskrit', you don't get this newly created package: http://ckan.net/package/digitalsanskritbuddhistcanon

1286991201000000 1287766973000000
#700 bug pudo dread iati-3 closed fixed Groups in package form

Editing groups in forms doesn't work for me, with latest code from this morning:

  1. Clean db
  2. paster create-test-data
  3. paster sysadmin create http://davidread.myopenid.com/
  4. paster serve development.ini
  5. In browser, log in to CKAN
  6. Create new package: name=abc group=Roger's books
  7. [Preview] - yes group appears
  8. [Save] - shows package and group hasn't appeared ERROR
  9. Check and reedit package it also doesn't appear here either.
1287394476000000 1290000656000000
#731 bug dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed worksforme Geo coverage field losses in Form API

Sometimes editing a package via api on dgu results in some countries being lost in geo coverage.

1287738539000000 1288038226000000
#732 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Reproduce and investigate (geo coverage issue) 1287738761000000 1288038335000000
#733 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed invalid Fix problem (geo coverage issue) 1287738764000000 1288038341000000
#734 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Investigate department issue (ONS import)

Creation of duplicate packages named with trailing underscore

ww 22/9/10:

Need to ... merge some packages (the "find packages by attributes" is not 100% reliable because of inconsistent data already in there).

The "find by tags" algorithm uses (title, department). Unfortunately some of the data already there has no department. This causes it to make a new package (with trailing underscore).

dread 24/9/10:

I've done a test for the missing department issue and I can't reproduce the problem. This may be due to my general tidy up and getting tests passing using the latest ckanclient. Anyway, can you check over my test to see if this is what you mean?: dgu/ckanext/dgu/tests/ons/test_ons_loader.py:TestOnsLoadMissingDept

ww 20/10/10:

you should uncover it if you run against (a copy of) the dgu database.

1287747273000000 1292587603000000
#735 task dread dread closed fixed Investigate 'deduping' (ONS import)

ww 22/9/10:

(discussion of ticket:509) This leads us to deduping which should be the next order of business oin this thread...

ww 20/10/10:

if a dataset is missing a department and the ons script makes a new version of it with a department we now have two reccords for the same dataset. these should be manually merged - need a merge tool where you can tell it that two datasets are the same.

1287748786000000 1292957248000000
#737 enhancement dread ckan-backlog new Markdown syntax summary page

I suggest we produce a quick Markdown cheat-sheet page, showing the key runes: e.g. create a title and quote some text. This page can link to the full Markdown docs for advanced users.

A user going to the Markdown docs that we link will have to read a couple of pages of the raison-d'etre of Markdown before he gets to the syntax. And it's not very easy to read, and being white on black it looks like proper geek stuff.

1287766749000000 1323170239000000
#742 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Release ckan 1.2 to metastable

Need to make sure #700 is fixed.

1288002397000000 1289824163000000
#761 story dread closed invalid Read-only CKAN for maintenance

Administrator wants to upgrade CKAN or move it to another server. During this time the database is being administered and either edits are lost or can't be done.

1288090334000000 1288091977000000
#762 story dread closed invalid Permanently Read-Only CKAN instance

A CKAN is used just for distributing metadata. Updates may still arrive through direct db manipulation, e.g.:

  • another (but writable) CKAN instance is connected to the same db
  • restoring database dumps from another CKAN db
1288090578000000 1288091982000000
#763 enhancement dread ckan-future assigned Read-only mode - Setup

Admin configures entering read-only mode in one of two places:

  • CKAN config file (e.g. ckan.ini)
  • environment variable from Apache config

Once enabled, no writes can occur to the database (including user ratings and other usage stats).

1288091506000000 1338206204000000
#764 enhancement thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.5 closed duplicate Read-only CKAN Web UI

Whilse using CKAN web interface, you are not tempted to edit stuff:

  • You know at all times this CKAN is read-only
  • All editing facilities are still seen but greyed-out with an indication why it is.
1288091619000000 1310133334000000
#765 enhancement dread ckan-backlog assigned Read-only mode - API usage

All writes to the API are captured and you are returned an error explaining the reason.

Possible errors:

  • 503 temporary maintenance
  • 403 forbidden (if server if permanently read-only)
1288091897000000 1338206123000000
#775 task pudo dread closed fixed Search warning

We're getting this warning a great deal on live servers. Is these really a sign of the system not operating correctly or can we reduce the level to an INFO?

e.g. on hmg.ckan.net:

2010-10-29 17:12:08,262 WARNI [ckan.lib.search.common] NOOP Index: id,package_id,url,format,description,hash,position
2010-10-29 17:12:08,333 WARNI [ckan.lib.search.common] NOOP Index: id,package_id,url,format,description,hash,position
2010-10-29 17:12:08,375 WARNI [ckan.lib.search.common] NOOP Index: id,package_id,url,format,description,hash,position
2010-10-29 17:12:08,406 WARNI [ckan.lib.search.common] NOOP Index: id,package_id,url,format,description,hash,position
2010-10-29 17:12:08,480 WARNI [ckan.lib.search.common] NOOP Index: id,package_id,url,format,description,hash,position
2010-10-29 17:12:08,613 WARNI [ckan.lib.search.common] NOOP Index: id,package_id,url,format,description,hash,position
1288372692000000 1295260144000000
#776 enhancement rgrp dread closed duplicate Avoid generating vdm warnings

We get a host of vdm warnings frequently in the CKAN logs. Are these genuine worries or can they be avoided?

2010-10-29 17:10:06,003 WARNI [vdm] Skipping adding property Package.package_search (PackageSearch) to revisioned object
2010-10-29 17:10:06,015 WARNI [vdm] Skipping adding property Package.all_revisions_unordered (PackageRevision) to revisioned object
2010-10-29 17:10:06,024 WARNI [vdm] Skipping adding property PackageTag.all_revisions_unordered (PackageTagRevision) to revisioned object
2010-10-29 17:10:06,081 WARNI [vdm] Skipping adding property PackageExtra.all_revisions_unordered (PackageExtraRevision) to revisioned object
2010-10-29 17:10:06,105 WARNI [vdm] Skipping adding property PackageResource.all_revisions_unordered (PackageResourceRevision) to revisioned object
2010-10-29 17:10:06,129 WARNI [vdm] Skipping adding property PackageRelationship.all_revisions_unordered (PackageRelationshipRevision) to revisioned object
1288372797000000 1297066840000000
#777 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Put 503-returning middleware into a module

Also configure hmgckan, hmgapi, test-hmg and dev-hmg machines.

1288608324000000 1292586843000000
#778 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - name auto-generated from title 1288630777000000 1294416567000000
#779 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - stylesheet in DGU updated 1288630800000000 1294416581000000
#780 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed Package edit form - 'preview' button shows preview, with form lower in page

This ticket refers to the form shown in Drupal. This doesn't have a preview function, but we don't have a requirement for it right now, so leaving ticket closed.

1288630829000000 1294660720000000
#781 task thejimmyg dread ckan-v1.3 closed duplicate Package edit form - 'extra' fields have 'add' and 'delete' buttons

(Just like resource table, but extra fields don't need up/down buttons)

Nice to have: a blank field is added when you tab from the last filled-in field in the table.

1288630935000000 1294415081000000
#798 task dread dread ckan-v1.3 closed fixed cospread importer using API

Move existing getdata/cospread.py into dgu repo and use the importer/loader mechanism.

1289475362000000 1294916973000000
#805 task dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed fixed Migration scripts on buildbot 1289816755000000 1298379084000000
#820 defect dread closed fixed Exception browsing /user/apikey when not logged in

Should fail gracefully (not the existing 500 error) when you go to ckan.net/user/apikey (manually typing in the url) but haven't logged in.

WebApp Error: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'apikey' 						

URL: http://test-hmg.ckan.net/user/apikey
1290006079000000 1311325226000000
#821 defect dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-2 closed worksforme Some resources have disappeared in CKAN

Simon has spotted 31 packages whose resources have disappeared in CKAN, but still appear in the Drupal front-end.

Here are the details:

  • in CKAN's package view (in web interface, API and dump) no resources display
  • but they WERE created in CKAN, as shown by the revision diffs.
  • they are in the Drupal front-end

So these resources must have been in the CKAN API at some point and then disappeared without trace/revision to alert Drupal.

Packages affected: anti-social-behaviour-orders-1999-2007 asylum-applications-jan-mar-2009 control-of-immigration-quarterly-statistical-summary-united-kingdom-2009-october-december coroners-statistics-england-and-wales courts-statistics-user-survey-england-and-wales court-statistics-company-insolvency-and-bankruptcy-england-and-wales court-statistics-england-and-wales court-statistics-mortages-and-landlord-possession-england-and-wales crime-in-england-and-wales crime-statistics-local-reoffending-england-and-wales crime-statistics-prison-and-probation-england-and-wales crime-statistics-reoffending-of-adults-england-and-wales crime-statistics-reoffending-of-juvenilles-england-and-wales data_gov_uk-datasets digest-uk-energy-statistics-2008 directgov-central-hottest-pages-monthly directgov-central-internal-search-terms-monthly directgov-section-visits-monthly electricity-consumption-2007 electricity-gas-consumption-2007 energy-consumption-uk-2008 final-energy-consumption-2007 foi-statistics-uk-central-government fuel-poverty-statistics-2007 gas-consumption-2007 gb-reported-bicycling-accidents gb-road-traffic-counts gb-traffic-matrix greenhouse-gas-emissions-2008 high-level-indicators-energy-use-2006 judicial-and-court-statistics-england-and-wales laboratory-tests-and-prices local-authority-carbon-dioxide-emissions-2007 magistrates-courts-statistics-survey-england-and-wales monthly-energy-prices monthly-energy-trends ni_012_refused_and_deferred_houses_in_multiple_occupation_hmos_licence_applications_leading_to_immig ni_013_migrants_english_language_skills_and_knowledge ni_023_perceptions_that_people_in_the_area_treat_one_another_with_respect_and_consideration ni_024_satisfaction_with_the_way_the_police_and_local_council_dealt_with_anti-social_behaviour ni_025_satisfaction_of_different_groups_with_the_way_the_police_and_local_council_dealt_with_anti-so ni_026_specialist_support_to_victims_of_a_serious_sexual_offence ni_029_gun_crime_rate ni_031_re-offending_rate_of_registered_sex_offenders ni_032_repeat_incidents_of_domestic_violence ni_034_domestic_violence_-_murder ni_036_protection_against_terrorist_attack ni_038_drug_related_class_a_offending_rate ni_078_reduction_in_number_of_schools_where_fewer_than_30_of_pupils_achieve_5_or_more_a-_c_grades_at ni_101_looked_after_children_achieving_5_a-c_gcses_or_equivalent_at_key_stage_4_including_english_an ni_109_delivery_of_sure_start_childrens_centres ni_126_early_access_for_women_to_maternity_services ni_127_self_reported_experience_of_social_care_users ni_128_user_reported_measure_of_respect_and_dignity_in_their_treatment ni_181_time_taken_to_process_housing_benefit-council_tax_benefit_new_claims_and_change_events ni_184_food_establishments_in_the_area_which_are_broadly_compliant_with_food_hygiene_law ni_185_co2_reduction_from_local_authority_operations ni_190_achievement_in_meeting_standards_for_the_control_system_for_animal_health ni_194_air_quality_-_reduction_in_nox_and_primary_pm10_emissions_through_local_authorities_estate_an other-fuels-consumption-2006 police-use-firearms-england-wales-2007-2008 prison-end-of-custody-licence-releases-and-recalls-england-and-wales prison-population-england-and-wales probation-offender-management-caseload-statistics-england-and-wales probation-statistics-quarterly-brief-england-and-wales quality-indicators-energy-data-2007 quarterly-energy-prices quarterly-energy-trends road-transport-energy-consumption-2007 sentencing-statistics-england-and-wales statistics-terrorism-arrests-outcomes-2001-2008 ukba-control-of-immigration-statistics-2008 ukba-control-of-immigration-statistics-2008-supplementary-tables uk-energy-in-brief-2008 uk-energy-sector-indicators-background-2008 uk-energy-sector-indicators-key-supporting-2008 uk-exportcontrollists uk-exportcontrol-sanctions uk-export-control-statistics uk-glossary-exportcontrol uk-ipo-offences weekly-fuel-prices

1290015776000000 1298486642000000
#823 defect dread dread closed fixed Etags cache doesn't update when only non-core package fields changed.
  1. Create a package.
  2. Edit package and add a resource.
  3. View package in browser - no sign of the resource - ERROR.
  4. View package in API - resource is there.

Reason: hash doesn't change because package.revision only takes account of core fields.

1290505078000000 1290506116000000
#824 enhancement dread dread closed fixed 'Getdata' moved out of CKAN

Data importers should use API instead of object model directly:

  • saves load on server
  • much better error checking and authentication
  • eating our own dogfood (tests the API well)
1290595507000000 1290595559000000
#825 enhancement dread dread closed fixed Document fabric tool 1290609160000000 1290624449000000
#826 enhancement kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Resource 'extra' fields

There are a number of extra properties we want to store in a resource:

i.e. this is a much needed enhancement

Need to be able to read/write these values in web interface and API.

(At some point we may wish to have custom form widgets for these new fields in the resource table, but let's leave this for the future.)


I suggest these are arbitrary key/value pairs, just like package extras, reusing PackageExtra? code as much as possible. (Other much more radical alternative is to move model to RDF.)

1290611905000000 1306766057000000
#827 defect rgrp dread closed fixed metadata_created_and_modified error

Intermittent failure on ckan default branch. Looks like brittle test.

FAIL: ckan.tests.models.test_package.TestPackageRevisions.test_02_metadata_created_and_modified
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/buildslave/okfn/full/build/buildandsmoke/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 186, in runTest
  File "/home/buildslave/okfn/full/build/buildandsmoke/pyenv/src/ckan/ckan/tests/models/test_package.py", line 250, in test_02_metadata_created_and_modified
    assert out == exp, (out, exp)
AssertionError: (datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 25, 4, 37, 52, 949380), datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 25, 4, 37, 52, 94938))


1290678624000000 1290766239000000
#829 defect rgrp dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed wontfix Admin CRUD broken

Browsing to the admin interface /admin (even logged in as a sysadmin) gives an exception.

1290695043000000 1303838115000000
#840 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed On/off switch for ETags cache
  • Use config variable to switch ETags caching on or off. Consider joining in with 'cache_enabled'.
  • Default setting for (all) caching should be off.
  • Needs documenting in configuration.rst
1291308727000000 1302694133000000
#841 enhancement kindly dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-4 closed duplicate Caching docs (as a whole)

Documentation article on caching / improving performance. (To complement configuration docs.)

  • Different sorts of cache - beaker style, etags, package_dict in search results(?)
  • How each one affects performance
  • How to turn them on/off and configure them
  • Is it possible to bypass each of them in the browser or with wget/curl?
1291308879000000 1300364333000000
#845 enhancement dread ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed Required fields

Allow a form to specify fields that are required. Currently name and resource url are required.

  • Show required fields with asterisks by the input box.
  • Resource fields to be included in this.
1291634995000000 1291723492000000
#854 defect johnlawrenceaspden dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-6 closed fixed Tests for authorization_group

The coverage tool (run by buildbot in the ckan build) reports that only 24% of lines of ckan.controllers.authorization_group are run in tests and 38% of ckan.forms.authorization_group. This suggests a need for more tests.

1291723815000000 1304351843000000
#855 defect pudo dread closed invalid Authenticator tests

The coverage tool (run by buildbot in the ckan build) reports that only 38% of lines of ckan.lib.authenticator are run in tests. This suggests a need for more tests.

1291723967000000 1311176988000000
#856 defect wwaites dread closed invalid Tests for caching

Test coverage for ckan.lib.cache is only 40%. Can that be usefully improved?

1291724064000000 1311177085000000
#857 defect dread closed invalid Tests for CLI

Test coverage for ckan.lib.cli is 34%. Need to improve that.

1291724131000000 1311182581000000
#858 defect dread dread closed fixed Tests for diff

Test coverage for ckan.lib.diff is 24%. Need to improve

1291724171000000 1291734297000000
#859 defect pudo dread closed invalid Tests for User model

Test coverage of ckan.model.user is 53%. Notable exception - setting password. Room for improvement?

1291724348000000 1311177461000000
#867 enhancement dread dread ckan-v1.3-sprint-1 closed fixed ckanclient raises exceptions

To be more pythonic, raise exceptions when ckanclient gets status which isn't 200.

1291915162000000 1299866685000000
#872 enhancement johnbywater dread closed fixed ONS loader assigns packages to same package even when dept name changes

Solutions: ResourceSeriesLoader? allows synonyms for values.

1292424112000000 1292957110000000
#873 defect dread dread closed fixed ONS loader assigns packages to same package even when dept name added manually

e.g. national_child_measurement_programme had no department but "Information Centre for Health and Social Care" for agency, and TNA inferred it should be under department DoH. But now the next ONS update to this series expects a blank department, so creates a new package national_child_measurement_programme_.

1292437253000000 1292939274000000
#880 defect dread ckan-v1.3-sprint-2 closed fixed ONS loader tripping up on deleted packages

Deleted packages with the same title and extra fields as an active package trip up the loader. It finds them in the search, but due to ckanclient not using the apikey when you 'get' the package to examine it further, it causes an exception.

1292939379000000 1292945137000000
#897 defect dread dread closed duplicate "New package" highlighted in Navigator when searching

On ckan.net 1.3.1b, click on "Search" in the Navigator. Now both "Search" and "New Package" are highlighted.

1294648815000000 1294914333000000
#898 defect rgrp dread closed fixed Changes stored indefinitely

Every change to every object is being stored in memory, which could add up to quite a lot of memory.

This fixes it by making sure the objects are in a weakref. https://bitbucket.org/kindly/vdm/changeset/8d5f91db641f

1294659490000000 1294662408000000
#899 enhancement rgrp dread closed fixed Optimise check_real_change

There is no need to re-query the database to detect if there has been a changed as sqlalchemy knows this. It saves about 15 secs in the ckan tests. https://bitbucket.org/kindly/vdm/changeset/0050d023ca4e

From David Raznick

1294659583000000 1294916615000000
#900 defect dread closed fixed Intermittent error with new revision not having id

There are still some intermittent errors due to objects not having a revision_id, if you save an object at the same time as the revision. We add the uuid earlier to fix this. https://bitbucket.org/kindly/vdm/changeset/0050d023ca4e.

From David Raznick

1294659696000000 1294916587000000
#901 enhancement rgrp dread closed fixed vdm support for sqla 0.6 and sqlite 1294660144000000 1294662466000000
#902 defect rgrp dread ckan-v1.4-sprint-1 closed fixed Package buttons not clickable / Improve submenu tabs

On a package page there are three buttons to the right - View, Edit, History. Each of these buttons contain an icon and the text, but you can only activate the button by clicking on the icon. When you click on the part of the button where the text is (about 50% of the button) then nothing happens.

Using: Chrome, Firefox

1294756898000000 1297078885000000
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