{22} Trac tickets (2647 matches)

Results (2601 - 2647 of 2647)

Id Type Owner Reporter Milestone Status Resolution Summary Description Posixtime Modifiedtime
#2554 enhancement ross ckan-backlog assigned Research Virtuoso cartridges

Look into writing a cartridge for importing CKAN data into a Virtuoso quadstore

http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtSponger#How Does It Work?

1340026645000000 1346670433000000
#2590 enhancement shevski ross ckan-backlog assigned Publisher dashboard

Need proper user stories but ...

Publisher admins/editors may need a more useful group read page showing things like:

  • The current search
  • Recent activity
  • People within the group
  • Followers
  • Others?
1340618617000000 1346663416000000
#2607 defect seanh ckan-backlog assigned 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled

if the user tries to upload a file they will get "Failed to get credentials for storage upload. Upload cannot proceed"

Maybe add a test for it this time, this bug has appeared and reappeared before

1340803808000000 1346663383000000
#2619 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 assigned Omit private datasets from public activity streams

Activities about private datasets should not appear in public activity streams.

I don't think you want to actually purge the activities from the db, because you might still want them to appear in private activity streams.

I do think that when a dataset goes private all its past activity should go private, because I imagine that users are going to want to hide everything about the dataset and not have any past activities 'leaking out'

I don't think you want to consider whether the dataset was private when the activity happened, rather if a dataset is private now then all its past activities are private (and the simplest thing would be to say that if a dataset is public now then all its past activities become public as well, but is that a privacy concern?)

The easiest way to implement this is going to be by modifying the *_activity_list() action functions in get.py, after they pull their activity lists out of the db they should pass them through a function that filters out stuff about private datasets.

An activity about a private dataset is one whose object_type is 'dataset' and whose object_id matches the id of a private dataset. You should also check the object_type and object_id of all of the activity object's activity detail objects, if any of those match a private dataset then mark the whole activity as private.

Currently all activity streams are public so should have all private datasets filtered out from them, except for the dashboard activity stream which is private to the individual user. In this case private datasets that the user has permission to see should not be filtered.

1340884140000000 1351531137000000
#2641 enhancement johnmartin amercader demo phase 5 assigned Adapt spatial widgets to new theme

Dataset extent map and spatial filter need to adapted to the new theme, as they are not showing up now

1341846147000000 1352658854000000
#2644 enhancement shevski toby demo phase 5 assigned user dashboard for demo theme

we now have a user dashboard that needs theming not sure if we need sam to look at it


1341910821000000 1344255836000000
#2654 enhancement ross ckan 2.0 assigned UI support for ordering groups on group_read page

The group_index page has no support in WUI for ordering the groups displayed. Should allow sorting by name

Add support for this for datahub now, and discuss for new 1.9 UI

1341943891000000 1346662156000000
#2674 defect kindly shevski demo phase 5 assigned Data preview not loading on s031

Not loading for all resources as far as I can tell; e.g. http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/afghanistan-election-data/resource/f6331f99-51f6-44d9-95b9-b20f3b74f360

Fine on demo.ckan.org

1342435102000000 1344349324000000
#2686 defect shevski ckan-backlog assigned enabling datastore & data API breaks recline

First I noticed that the gold prices dataset preview was not displaying & has data API enabled Secondly I tried enabling datastore for http://datahub.io/dataset/adur_district_spending/resource/281dffa6-ea9b-4446-be41-05dced06591f and after I saved the preview no longer worked. Unticking the datastore & data api checkbox brought it back

Is this a known issue?

1342516011000000 1346663300000000
#2697 enhancement johnmartin shevski demo phase 5 assigned create dataset validation

Includes: missing fields, existing field checks (i.e. whether a name/dataset already exists with that name) during input (i.e. no need to submit form to check)

1342620035000000 1346235925000000
#2698 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 4 assigned markdown preview

for description / other fields with markdown support

1342620085000000 1344543252000000
#2699 enhancement shevski shevski demo phase 5 assigned workflow for associating datasets with groups

needs review & speccing out e.g. datasets created by a user who belongs to a certain publisher (group) get auto added to this group

1342620176000000 1344507133000000
#2702 enhancement shevski shevski demo phase 5 assigned Future Javascript wishlist for demo

tooltip on popular datasets with number of views facets to update automatically creating a dataset without reloading page between steps hover on licences information autocomplete on search terms group filtering social share buttons in lightboxes dataset counts on homepage

1342620475000000 1344255984000000
#2732 enhancement ross ckan-backlog assigned New file upload functionality

We should simplify upload and storage of files, initially only to local storage with archiver eventually being fixed to archive data externally. WIP pad is http://ckan.okfnpad.org/uploads

Simplifying uploads

Currently uploads are too painful/difficult/fiddly to use and/or configure. We want to simplify uploads so that they are done directly to the CKAN server, without support for remote services (S3 etc) and/or the dependencies it introduces.

We want to fix:

  • File uploads themselves
  • Storage of uploaded files
  • Notification of the upload to other components

File uploads

Things file upload should do:

  • Allow sysadmin to disable
  • Allow auth'ed users to upload
  • Store whatever they send on disk, and store DB entry linking the file to the person
  • When creating the resource, the user should be able to choose from all of the files they have uploaded but not yet associated with a resource. This will allow for bulk upload and then a delayed association. Whenver a user creates a resource they either upload a file now, or see previously uploaded files.
Can we do the upload asynchronously and then associate the 
uploaded key with the resource before the save ? What happens 
if the user tries to submit before asymc upload finishes ? Should 
we delay them?

The upload workflow should look like...

  1. File upload should be a straightforward file upload with normal auth checks and normal processing of the posted data.
    1. When called via ajax then the ID of the newly created file should be returned,
    2. When called via WUI then it should also be given the url to redirect to after the file upload has been handled - the id will be passed as a query param.
  2. The resource save should check whether it has a file id and in that case updates the file object to point to the resource.

This should enable:

  • Separate file upload into a user's temporary store, either individually or as a batch.
  • Creating resources and simply choosing from previously uploaded, unassigned files
  • Adding files/data to a resource after the fact.

File storage

File storage should be local to the CKAN install, and not a remote service. Any archiving to remove storage providers should be outside of the main request.

File storage should:

  • allow moving data, a sysadmin should be able to move the storage root and change configuration and have the system continue running (i.e. don't store absolute paths).
  • provide maintainability, it should be easy to determine which old files are not associated with resources and thus can be cleaned up.
  • allow for collection of information (i.e. estimate of storate space used)
  • check whether there is enough space and handling the conequences cleanly
  • ensure files to be written only underneath its own root folder, checks should be made after any path generation that the file begins with the location of the file storage.
  • Have a configurable maximum accepted blob size during upload.
  • Should store what meta-data was provided with the upload, such as mimetype.

Somewhere in the DB we should store ...

idAn identifier
ownerThe owning user, who uploaded the file
pathThe path (from the 'storage root') to the file
sizeThe size in bytes of the file on disk
mimetypeThe mimetype of the file, as provided by the uploader
upload_dateWhen the data was uploaded
resourceThe ID of the resource it belongs to. A unidirectional relationship.
archived_urlThe URL where this file has been archived

Generating paths should try and separate the files, perhaps based on username of the owner, or some other mechanism to avoid a single folder full of files.


We need to make sure that it is possible to notify other components within the system that an upload has taken place, or at least make it easy for them to be notified. The primary use case for this is to notify the component that will translate/upload certain formats to the data store.

We could do this based on the post-upload update to the file model (i.e. when we record the total received size of the file).

1343058789000000 1346663270000000
#2735 enhancement toby shevski demo phase 5 assigned Dataset order on user page

I think the datasets on user pages http://s031.okserver.org:2375/user/me should be ordered by latest updated (with most recent at the top) instead of in alphabetical order.

What do you think?

1343062877000000 1344349245000000
#2766 enhancement seanh shevski demo phase 4 assigned prevent draft datasets making it to activity stream

The new ckan creates datasets as part of a 3 phase process. To allow for this partially created datasets can have a state that is 'draft' or 'draft-complete'. These datasets should not be seen as active by the activity stream.

If we click 'add dataset' and then complete the first phase of adding a dataset then we end up having a activity stream created. When we add a resource in the next phase (add data) again an activity stream item xxx added resource to dataset is created

We do not want these adding. Essentially if a dataset has a state.startswith('draft') then we want the activity stream to ignore all actions involving it.

finally when the state is changed form state.startswith('draft') to state=='active' we want a xxx has created dataset ... to be added to the stream.

The best way to do this would be to branch from 2375-demo-theme-stable and get it to work there.

Let me know if you need any help with this ticket or a better explanation of the problem.

1343318795000000 1344543193000000
#2785 enhancement johnmartin aron.carroll demo phase 5 assigned Allow resources to be re-ordered

Not sure where this functionality should be added, possibly in one of the sidebar widgets when editing a resource?

Ira, what are your thoughts?

1343816523000000 1346235916000000
#2814 enhancement shevski markw assigned Demo: upload file behaves oddly
  1. Uploading a file behaves counter-intuitively (I would suggest wrongly).

When adding a new resource by uploading a file, I select a file called say create-group.png. I expect the following to happen:

  • the pathname of that file is filled in the box;
  • nothing is actually uploaded till I hit 'add' (confirming that I've got the right file etc).

Instead of this,

1344420360000000 1346670381000000
#2818 defect seanh danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned Improve related item schema

Problem: When creating a related item (e.g. a Visualisation), if you don't put in a URL it succeeds, but on the related items and apps pages it renders it as a link to the same page. Expected: Always require a URL and it should only submit if one is added

1344504176000000 1346231718000000
#2873 defect toby danieljohnlewis demo phase 4 assigned ckanext-qa: dataset summary incorrect

For example see: http://s031.okserver.org:2375/qa/dataset/five_stars

Which has: Example dataset as a score of: 4 After examination of the dataset ( http://s031.okserver.org:2375/dataset/example-dataset ) it is made up of a CSV and an HTML file.

1345126429000000 1345208283000000
#2874 enhancement rgrp rgrp assigned Clean up bin directory

Full of obsolete material

1345190508000000 1345190515000000
#2877 enhancement kindly rgrp assigned Bugs with datastore v2

In progress

  1. [major] q does not seem to work reliably. e.g. using the setup from this gist https://gist.github.com/1930806 and doing a ?q=DE yields no results (does not work with "q=de" either)
    • q=second does work ...
  2. [major] q does not work with 2 values (see below)
  3. Query on search with limit 0 results in total of 0 (should either be null or correct total). Queries with other limits yield correct total AFAICT
    • Also weird fact that limit is returned but as as as string - should it not be an integer
  4. Types on fields: could these not be canonical and as per recline (or is it important to allow exact sql types ...)

Multiple query values

Try a query such as: "second UK" and you will get 500 error:


ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) syntax error in tsquery: "second UK" 'select "_id", "id", "date", "x", "y", "z", "country", "title", "lat", "lon", count(*) over() as "_full_count"\n from "4f1299ab-a100-4e5f-ba81-e6d234a2f3bd" where _full_text @@ to_tsquery(%s) limit 100 offset 0' (u'second UK',)


Filter support: should think in more detail about this (may want to follow recline style)

Simple filters in query parameters would be nice too ...

1345250002000000 1346320395000000
#2956 enhancement shevski johnmartin ckan 2.0 assigned Allow for resource editing in CKAN 2.0

On the edit dataset page... there needs to be a way for users to be able to see all the resources associated to the dataset and edit them individually.

1349277100000000 1349346442000000
#2961 enhancement dominik dominik ckan 2.0 assigned Preview plugin endpoint

Users could write ckan extensions that offer previews for a certain datatype.


  • We can say that you can add your own previews
  • Every preview would have to define it's own dependencies
  • External development (community creates new extensions?)

Questions to answer:

  • Specification of the interface
  • Precedence of previews for the same data types
  • Plugins only define the datatype that they are responsible for or do we call a function that returns whether the extension is responsible.

As far as I can see, this should be fairly easy to implement by following these instructions: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/writing-extensions.html#writing-a-plugin-interface

1349696367000000 1350577990000000
#3029 defect seanh dread assigned JSONP parameter scuppers Search in API

http://datahub.io/api/2/search/package?jsonp=jsonpcallback&q=canada returns

{"count": 0, "results": []}

I believe this worked in CKAN 1.4 or 1.5, but it is broken on 1.7.1, 1.8 and whatever demo.ckan.org is running. I suspect the jsonpcallback parameter is getting sent to SOLR.

This bug prevents using javascript on another site to search CKAN (although hopefully the action API would work).

1355238035000000 1355243824000000
#1785 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Replace 'Revisions' page with site-wide activity stream

Replace the /revision page with a /activity page showing a site-wide activity stream of all activities in the site. Or perhaps the site-wide activity stream can go somewhere on the front page of the site instead?

1328632458000000 1340724312000000
#2336 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Move Jenkins' install script into ckan core so it can be versioned 1335792914000000 1340639637000000
#2341 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches that contain model changes 1335876396000000 1340639472000000
#2342 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches with different solr schema versions 1335876445000000 1340639494000000
#2357 enhancement aron.carroll aron.carroll demo phase 5 accepted Create build script for front-end resources

Should minify and concatenate JavaScript? and CSS as part of #2354

1335886181000000 1343220524000000
#2362 enhancement toby kindly ckan-v1.9 accepted Improve plugin documentaion, including examples.

Improve documentation for plugins and add examples. Could use ckanext-example as a base.

1335888791000000 1342085420000000
#2416 enhancement toby aron.carroll demo phase 5 accepted Normalise resource/data types

Currently we have far too many types that are essentially the same format. The new demo theme is using icons for common types. So we need to normalise the common formats into pretty strings. e.g. application/json, JSON, .json and json all should be output as “json”

See the following Basecamp thread for UI examples and discussion.


1337792946000000 1342617802000000
#2430 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Look into marking tickets as dependent on other tickets in trac 1337947086000000 1341234346000000
#2431 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Trac git integration 1337947128000000 1341234362000000
#2466 task seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Fix spam handling on trac 1338213103000000 1341234539000000
#2475 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Upgrade trac.ckan.org to trac 0.12.3

This is not trivial, requires a database upgrade. But 0.12.3 has some nice new features (multiple vcs repository support, ticket comment editing and nicer preview) and the latest spam filter plugin requires 0.12.


1338317176000000 1341234564000000
#2477 enhancement seanh shevski ckan-v1.9 accepted Add extensions section to readthedocs

Need a central up to date place for currently supported extensions (closest we have is http://wiki.ckan.org/List_of_Extensions) & their documentation. I suggest this gets added to a dedicated section of docs.ckan.org

1338393244000000 1343124123000000
#2478 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Get NeverNotifyUpdaterPlugin installed on trac.ckan.org 1338396734000000 1341234591000000
#2493 enhancement aron.carroll toby demo phase 5 accepted Demo site 404 needs some love


I've converted the 404 page to the new style but we probably want to serve this as a 'full page' ie content is 100% page width not sidebar and primary content

just go to a non-existant url to see





1338986081000000 1343135815000000
#2516 enhancement seanh seanh ckan-v1.9 accepted Make 'Assign to:' field on trac.ckan.org into a dropdown list

there's a setting for this

1339578442000000 1341234822000000
#2537 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Test and document ckanbuild


Verify that what's there so far still works, write a README explaining how it works

1339775328000000 1340639830000000
#2538 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Add multiple-instance support to ckanbuild

Probably use ansible to do this. To create an instance, create a dir at /etc/ckan/MYSITE, and put MYSITE.wsgi, MYSITE.ini and who.ini files in it. Also put a MYSITE file in /etc/apache2/sites-available. See the example files already present in ckanbuild. Booting a new site should be a single command.

May not handle the postgres/solr/elastic-search side of things yet, could just require the user to set these up herself first and then pass them as args to the create-instance command.

1339775499000000 1340639836000000
#2539 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Investigate the existing ckan debian package for ckanbuild

Do we want to build on top of the existing debian packaging code? Or throw it away and start fresh?

1339775661000000 1340639845000000
#2540 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Implement a way of upgrading ckan sites using ckanbuild

When there are multiple ckan sites installed on a single server via ckanbuild, there needs to be some way of upgrading them all to a new ckan version at once.

1339775740000000 1340639850000000
#2541 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Add non-core extensions to ckanbuild

We want some extensions from outside of CKAN core to be included in ckanbuild. These would be pip installed into the virtualenv before packaging the debian package. Decide which extensions to include.

1339775826000000 1340639856000000
#2542 enhancement seanh seanh ckanbuild accepted Create jenkins job to run ckanbuild, and run tests

It should run the script to create the debian package, boot a VM, install the debian package on the VM, boot a CKAN instance, then run the tests.

1339775888000000 1340639863000000
#3021 enhancement johnmartin johnmartin accepted Logout doesn't work without JS

Essentially, the functionality should be as follows:

  • Add logout link that has .js-hide attached to it within the header that isn't hidden within a dropdown

See http://plus.google.com/ (when logged in) with and without JS to see an example of the actual sign-out working without JS

1353410350000000 1353411968000000
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.