{23} Trac comments (3729 matches)

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Ticket Posixtime Author Newvalue
#2302 1342097600000000 ross Have assigned it to Toby. Not sure how high priority this is, but only provides a very minimal level of configurability.
#2302 1343315555000000 shevski My ideas for this could include one day: One page where the portal admin can choose and/or change the: 1. Portal name & tag line 2. Logo (to be displayed in header) 3. About page text 4. Featured dataset & text on homepage ? 5. Featured groups for homepage ? 6. Footer links 7. Colour scheme 8. Homepage background (?)
#2302 1343596669000000 shevski I reckon getting this live, esp with a easy to fill styled text header (see Sam's design) and a UI for changing About page text, featured dataset on homepage and welcome text is key
#2302 1343636153000000 toby @shevski, please do not try to change the meaning of tickets/add features or they will just get closed as won't fix. featured datasets is nothing whatsoever to do with this ticket so adding it to the ticket just causes me to get upset / demotivated etc. please do not do this. It ruins my day. Also comments like see sams design is of no value without a url in fact it has negative value. :( I have changed the priority of this ticket to account for this but next time i'll just close it.
#2302 1343820855000000 ross Just a quick note, if Rufus asks about editing about page, he's talking about this ticket.
#2298 1340285049000000 toby related to http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2579 move sort functions to helpers
#2297 1334569632000000 seanh http://ckan.okfnpad.org/27
#2296 1334567141000000 icmurray * ensure the read_ajax and history_ajax actions work in the routing. * ensure the moderatededits.js works with the new templating * ensure that the css works with the new templating * ensure that the stream filters work with the new templating. ~ 6 days work
#2293 1339062853000000 ross Intercepting the group name change and forcing a reindex of all of the datasets within that group seems like the obvious approach (rather than more lookups by ID after processing search results). Should take less than a day.
#2292 1335021860000000 rgrp This annoyed me so much I just fixed it: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/5eca7d5e37c0ef392b768b8b3768b2c3f93448b5 Issue was that our auto-completion depended on structure of the HTML which changes with bootstrapification. BTW: have deployed this via copy and paste on datahub so i can use it. Will want to revert this when you do a deploy. @Ross: I note that the same bug probably affects organization auto-complete.
#2289 1340887101000000 toby needs docstrings
#2288 1338204815000000 ross Auth groups are being deprecated
#2285 1334580266000000 rgrp Recline improvements are done. https://github.com/okfn/recline/issues/88
#2284 1337583675000000 rgrp This needs connecting to the user stories being generated at http://ckan.okfnpad.org/dataexplorer-user-stories
#2283 1340623843000000 kindly No super tickets anymore.
#2281 1333967862000000 dread Done in [release-v1.6.1 9ecbfa5][release-v1.6.1 9ecbfa5]
#2278 1333441177000000 rgrp https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/b7b32820a9132811028e7ccc243b2d2339492d4d
#2275 1334159668000000 johnglover Done in branch feature-2275-group-logo, still need to decide on how to style.
#2271 1334567582000000 amercader This was caused by an human error.
#2267 1343135541000000 toby this is not important as far as phase 2 is concerned - but you can do if you want
#2267 1343229146000000 aron.carroll Fixed in eade4e3
#2266 1332932634000000 dread Fixed in [release-v1.6.1 ed2772b] with test.
#2265 1332865837000000 dread I started work on this and need to park it somewhere - here will do for now. I was using the 'MLT Component' http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThis : https://gist.github.com/2217684 But I think it would make more sense to use the 'MLT Handler' http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThisHandler which needs enabling by adding this to the config {{{/usr/share/solr/core1/conf/solrconfig.xml}}}: {{{ <requestHandler name="/mlt" class="solr.MoreLikeThisHandler"> </requestHandler> }}}
#2264 1333635637000000 seanh Many strings have been fixed (and committed on master). Still to go: When uploading a file: - The "Browse..." button. This comes from the user's browser? - Hangs when I try to upload a file, so the rest of this UI is unchecked. The licenses on the dataset add, edit and view pages, "License Not Specified" etc. Dataset state on dataset view page, e.g. "active". When adding or editing resources: - The resource types (Data File, etc.) The strings seem to come from resource.resource_type. - "You can use Markdown formatting here", "Should a DataStore table and Data API be enabled for this resource?", "Dates are in ISO Format — eg. 2012-12-25 or 2010-05-31T14:30". I can't get strings with hyperlinks in them to translate here. Dataset view page: - License not specified. Dataset search page: - "Tags", "Res_format" and "Groups" in the sidebar. Leaving because this code has been refactored on feature-1821-multilingual-extension. Fix after that branch has been merged. Dataset view page: - The resource types, e.g. "plain text". - The field names under additional information: cache_last_updated etc. Dataset history view: timestamps not localised. Login page: - "Login failed. Bad username or password. (Or if using OpenID, it hasn't been associated with a user account.)" This string is marked for translation but I can't seem to get translations to work for flash messages. Also "Sean Hammond is now logged in" flash message. Register page: - "Missing value" in error message when you try to register and don't give an email. The string seems to come from formencode. stdtrans() not working? User view page: - Activity streams strings. Activity streams genshi function needs a little refactoring to be i18n-friendly. Users page: - "less than 1 month". This string comes from Pylons' time_ago_in_words() function which doesn't appear to support i18n. New auth group (and edit auth group) page: - "Unique identifier for group. 2+ chars, lowercase, using only 'a-z0-9' and '-_'". This string is marked for translation but for some reason it isn't working. - "Name: Please enter a value" (in an error msg) - "User name". The string comes from class FormBuilder? Also, need to check that all tooltips are translated!
#2264 1334348070000000 seanh A few strings are still left to be marked for translation: - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2289 - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2288 - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2287 - http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/2290
#2261 1332838253000000 toby new config option ckan.root_path = /path/from/root/with/{{LANG}}/substitution
#2261 1332840056000000 toby completed plus documentation updated
#2261 1332840112000000 toby please test logging in/out as the redirect was not testable but should be correct
#2260 1333373978000000 johnglover Still some work to do on this, template needs to be finalised.
#2260 1333554069000000 johnglover Finished for this iteration, waiting for design work to be completed before making further changes.
#2257 1332950416000000 toby pushed first round of changes into master
#2257 1336731023000000 toby ckan.restrict_template_vars defaults to true for 1.8 release
#2256 1333620795000000 toby I'd like to remove all 'custom' icons and just use bootstrap ones - is this reasonable? they are added in different ways but h.icon() could be easily adapted for this. minimal .sj .css files
#2256 1333720237000000 rgrp Not sure what ticket means (remove TDH from core?). Also agree that we should glyphicons from bootstrap where possible going forward - though that would seem to fit more naturally with #2224 (Simplify javascript and css dependencies and add minified version) and have little to do with TDH versus core :-)
#2256 1334051526000000 toby @Rufus, The idea of this ticket is to separate TDH into an extension rather than it being incorporated into core. This should help TDH by making it possible to push fixes without needing to do a new release of core. It should also help make core more stable and as slim line as possible. New features can be tested in TDH and then if they have a wider appeal they can be merged into core. There is a strong desire for this within the dev team.
#2256 1334051733000000 rgrp @toby: indeed and I'm strongly in favour of the basic idea too (and largely a dev question so up to you guys though feature / functionality implications would need to be talked through). My point was that custom icon stuff was #2224 :-)
#2256 1334052087000000 toby @Rufus, Thanks, I think there is overlap and I'm happy to leave that bit of work to you (or future ticket owner) I was just adding some brief notes to this ticket on some of the outcomes I'd like to see and hence why I'd be happy to simplify the icons.
#2256 1336046098000000 toby I'm closing this ticket now ckanext-datahub exists and is live - the other work is included in other tickets
#2255 1332752936000000 rgrp I would say Public is default for Organization with Private being an option (or do we make this a config option?). What about ownership by users? > New datasets can be created from the organization form, in which case the organization will be set in the dataset form dropdown (with privacy set to private - see below) Does this mean like the setup on groups on the datahub (i.e. forward to new dataset but with some things hard-coded, organization/group?)? Or does it mean actual new dataset form on organization page.
#2255 1332772340000000 ross > What about ownership by users? Good question. WIll add to description. > > New datasets can be created from the organization form, in which case the organization will be set in the dataset form dropdown (with privacy set to private - see below) > Does this mean like the setup on groups on the datahub (i.e. forward to new dataset but with some things hard-coded, organization/group?)? Or does it mean actual new dataset form on organization page. The former, although currently we will have a slightly different form in the organizations extension, until such a time as we're ready to replace the existing one. Tried merging the two forms but it ended up with such a mess of logic that it was unmanageable.
#2255 1332934041000000 ross Changed description based on docs of stuff to verify.
#2255 1334582784000000 ross Review + restrict resource access (when private)
#2254 1332343198000000 toby What do we want to be able to do? what do we use the stream stuff for at the moment? la la la
#2254 1332950678000000 toby plan of attack a) get removal of TDH from core - this will give a better idea of the issues involved b) have a think
#2254 1338210316000000 toby closing. we have fanstatic integration in ckan.demo work tdh is it's own extension h.snippet is in 1.7 ITemplateHelpers in 1.7 This allows most of the issues resolved. Full removal of the IGenshiStream filter still neads some form of in template hooks but this is being looked at as a possiblity in ckan demo and can be considered out of scope for this ticket closing
#2253 1340038490000000 toby closing as nothing has ever happened with this ticket
#2252 1333108787000000 amercader There is a new ticket for the same schema as forms issue: #2268 The exception was fixed on [https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-inspire/commit/0dff1f6 0dff1f6]
#2252 1333374836000000 amercader This needs more work on ckanext-dgu and testing.
#2252 1334567495000000 amercader Fixed on 0dff1f6c2e
#2251 1332331650000000 rgrp Big +1: everyone wants to know page views. Would like detail of how this goes into interface. Downloads already being tracked. Also isn't this just an extension to ckanext-googleanalytics.
#2251 1332332390000000 toby not really part of ckanext-ga as we need to sit first in the middleware for speed reasons. I'm looking at recording the details and will do a summary page like ga extension. As far as other uses like showing popular resources etc then we need to decide where the data will live - on the resource or separate. Downloads tracked? where is this done in the code/data stored
#2251 1332340874000000 toby notes from meeting 21-3-2012 US1 As a Site Admin / Visitor (?) I want to see how often a page has been viewed (every page) and how often resources have been downloaded. US1a Next to a resource or a dataset see how often it has been downloaded / viewed US1b I want to see datasets or resources ranked by most downloaded or viewed US1c See a trend graph for a dataset (and resources) Adminstrative Dashboard (?) * I want to see the traffic breakdown by country to my site ... * Ditto for browser type, language, etc etc * I want to see it graphed over time ... == Implementation Details == 1. How do we store this data in CKAN? 2. How do we track (and store)? 3. How do we display * Config option ckan.status.enabled = False (by default) === Storing Data === How does ckanext-googleanalytics do this? Current table: package_id | count_recent | count_total Move to a new stats_summary table id | item_id | object_type | stats_type (total, month_yyyy_mm, ...) | value Do we store this data into the search (solr) so we can search by it? === Displaying Data === * Helper functions / dictize: * Helper function: h.stats_get(object_type, id, stats_type) * h.stats_top_ranked(object_type, number) -> returns object_dicts or just labels or ... * Change to dictize * Location in the default theme (do we show for example in search results too!) * Support for ranking by most popular in search? === Tracking Data === * Our own solution (just write to site_tracking) * Google analytics (plus extension for retrieving data) <- would need a refactor * Piwiki ==== Own Solution ==== site_tracking table id | url | timestamp | action (page_view, resource_download) | * Make javascript to make request to ckan to store clicks and page views. * Add middleware so these requests do not go through pylons and just store data quickly.
#2251 1332340947000000 toby TODO look at 1. How do we store this data in CKAN? 3. How do we display * Config option ckan.status.enabled = False (by default)
#2251 1332524123000000 rgrp Update description in great detail.
#2251 1332776926000000 toby we want resource show downloaded/viewed on resources show on the dataset total/recent
#2251 1333535572000000 toby we have various options on tracking unique users seems the sane approach. * unique daily view - needed for nice graphing * unique total views * total unique daily views - higher numbers and feels more right - easier to calculate if original data is lost/or archived for now will collect all and then decide which to use for display as gives us flexibility if needed display ------- why is group listing of datasets inconsistent with main search (TDH at least)? should we make these consistent? group listing allows downloading of resource without tracking (this should be fixed) if we make listings uniform do we want the download links or not? I don't like the term download when it is just a link (maybe that's just me - what would be better?)
#2251 1333644538000000 toby most work completed: outstanding issues * add a prune tracking_raw data to cli * add indexes to tracking_raw * add summary page for new data format * add api counter 1) do we record the url or action etc (action seems more sensible) 2) add in __call__ or in action?
#2251 1334074772000000 toby api counter moved to ticket #2282 as needs better specification
#2251 1334144999000000 toby For meeting today with Adria * How to add tracking to solr index. Can the data live in tracking_summary? Do we need any extra indexes on table to help indexing? * How will we add order by popularity to search? * Can we add resources too? * Will search be best way to find most popular packages/resources or should we get that pages data from tracking_summary?
#2250 1332680690000000 rgrp Is this now how we are doing it? I thought we were integrating with RDF store (so it was more about sorting out the data viewer / recline stuff)?
#2242 1333375436000000 seanh Conclusion: jenkins should work, may need some jenkins plugin magic to get it to show what branch each build was run on.
#2240 1332408769000000 ross Distributed to ckan-coord
#2239 1334581838000000 ross Changes to schema/rdf output
#2238 1343392681000000 seanh Ticket #2771 encompasses this and related changes. Vocabs probably won't be deployed to test.ckan.net but a working example extension using vocabs will be added to core instead. Closing this ticket as a dup
#2236 1332153688000000 rgrp Done. See https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/0d970d3a0e523a1695830e8c8c28c0ba10a8d8b9
#2234 1337237687000000 rgrp This looks interesting but is this a priority :-) (also no estimate as yet :-) )
#2234 1337239588000000 ross Yes, definitely need a replacement for wordpresser and sooner rather than later. Doing some experimental noodling to work out an estimate.
#2232 1332331660000000 amercader Fixed in 6b4c6c9 This was due to some characters not being supported by XML. We now strip them before indexing.
#2227 1332843126000000 toby being done in other tickets
#2226 1332159640000000 seanh These deployment docs seem worth moving into sphinx as well: http://wiki.ckan.org/Deployment
#2226 1332475468000000 rgrp All done (as of Tuesday in fact!). No doubt further work to do but that's a new ticket!
#2225 1343220502000000 aron.carroll There is a jshint.json config file that all JS in the new base theme conforms to.
#2224 1332475944000000 rgrp Autocomplete based on bootstrap looks pretty non-trivial ...
#2224 1338205358000000 ross Being done by Aron
#2223 1331558791000000 rgrp Have introduced boostrap js and css on merge of #1797 https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/476a5bd32a3fac5d2dd85614f5d86c79f4ff6547 However need to remove blueprint and make sure we keep our original theme.
#2223 1332246030000000 zephod I have been working overtime to try and get this change straightened out as it's suddenly on the critical path for something. Have a look here: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/tree/feature-2223-bootstrap It's 80% of the way there; some form CSS needs overriding because Bootstrap tends to make things very large so they spill over. But on the whole the markup is in a steady state, which is what we need.
#2223 1332842692000000 zephod Merged into master here: https://github.com/okfn/ckan/commit/0bf4b33955df3806785f9b42a55acaeb45596e25
#2221 1331561095000000 ross Fixed in https://github.com/okfn/ckan/compare/1eeda11...ad2358a
#2220 1331291241000000 toby issues: 1) want to cache static files long term - need to add a ?ver=xxx to allow changes - this will need a change to all templates etc - could be seen as a good thing 2) we can only purge specific pages not whole cache so we need to know all the urls which want to be invalidated - including language variants 3) urls should be consistent so we should use id not name for datasets etc 4) for now we can just use short expiry times as this prevents some of these problems
#2220 1332950550000000 toby Implementation of this has been carried out at the page level. ckan.page_cache_enabled is config option to enable it requires redis need to document it somewhere
#2212 1331719868000000 johnglover Added as a new paster command in ckanext-ecportal (run 'paster ecportal' for a list of commands and arguments).
#2212 1331720191000000 johnglover Deployed on test server, where it imported 4087 datasets. A small number of datasets were not created as they failed CKAN validation - most of which had strange values such as 9999 and 0 for date fields (some also didn't have unique names).
#2210 1331549350000000 ross This is now done through the logic layer member_create/member_list/member_delete
#2209 1331547639000000 ross Option 4 is the most appealing at this point, although you probably should look at #2209
#2209 1331547674000000 ross Previous comment should read: Option 4 is the most appealing at this point, although you probably should look at #1649
#2209 1331551170000000 ross Current thinking is that option 4 is a default (as per ckanext-rdf) rdf output that is generated not in code (as currently) but using a genshi xml template to read the package into an RDF format (as if it were HTML). This would then be overrideable so that for ecportal where the format of the RDF is different (change of vocabs etc) we can just point the config to a new template. Pros: Easy to implement Easy to use Not hard-coded as currently Fast execution Cons: Requires knowledge of required RDF output if default is not useful RDF and not any of the other formats yet. Only works with package/resource/tags unless more work is done
#2209 1331551393000000 ross Can't edit comments .. so Current thinking is that option 4 is a default (as per ckanext-rdf) rdf output that is generated not in code (as currently) but using a genshi xml template to read the package into an RDF format (as if it were HTML). This would then be overrideable so that for ecportal where the format of the RDF is different (change of vocabs etc) we can just point the config to a new template. Pros: Easy to implement Easy to use Not hard-coded as currently Fast execution Cons: Requires knowledge of required RDF output if default is not useful RDF and not any of the other formats yet. Only works with package/resource/tags unless more work is done
#2208 1332251880000000 seanh I've attached a ckan.pot file. To make it, I edited setup.py in CKAN core like this: https://gist.github.com/2135849 and then ran python setup.py extract_messages. (And I had ckanext-ecportal installed at ~/pyenv/src/ckanext-ecportal.) I guess I may need to run this again when the ckanext-ecportal source is finalised, so leaving this ticket open for now.
#2206 1331046486000000 johnglover Close enough for now. Still have to restyle language drop-down to match template, but will fix when updating the list of languages. Also still to decide on menu styles/locations (for CKAN login and main menu, and ODP main menu).
#2204 1332341044000000 toby needs discussion - planned for 23-3-2012
#2204 1332341080000000 toby http://ckan.okfnpad.org/feature-2204-related-stuff
#2204 1332843232000000 toby still awaiting discussion
#2204 1334077936000000 rgrp Important comment: not sure how much we have thought through using this for storing queries / views / visualizations coming from our data viewer. In particular, wonder if this necessitates some kind of support for arbitrary json data ... Also (@icmurray): does this interact with our desire to do embedding?
#2204 1334218735000000 ross I'd be happier adding this to another ticket rather than moving the target for this ticket half way through so have created #2284 Should only be a short ticket in the next sprint.
#2204 1335287636000000 aron.carroll Making some notes of front-end changes that I think need to be implemented sooooon. {{{ Implement better truncation (the expanded text should pop out on hover rather than expand the entire row) Show the type of related item (an icon would be good here) Test in IE Make the form work without JavaScript by accepting x-www-form-urlencoded. Add classes to first item in a row to clear the row (currently uses :nth-child CSS) Touch gestures and re-ordering (David's request) }}}
#2204 1335795665000000 ross Giving this ticket to Aron to fix the front end
#2204 1337582843000000 rgrp Surely this ticket was closed 3w ago? @Ross: can you close ...
#2204 1337594723000000 ross Was waiting for documentation, can close now.
#2203 1348568961000000 dominik There is work on this in the dataviewer-iframe branch.
#2202 1338204729000000 toby these are available through the pkg_dict
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