Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #2551

06/26/12 10:02:29 (22 months ago)


  • Ticket #2551

    • Property Owner changed from kindly to ross
    • Property Status changed from new to accepted
    • Property Milestone changed from to datahub-oct
  • Ticket #2551 – Description

    initial v3  
    1 It would be great if we could obtain metrics about specific features,  so that we can determine usage patterns for them and whether we need to continue to maintain them if they are unused. i.e. How often revisions are actually view?  Does anyone ever revert? 
    3 GA provides a way to do this which requires JS snippets, which may be enough to get the request metrics.   
     2== Requirements == 
     4Would be useful if we could extend the Google Analytics extension to push track events to GA so that we can determine how the system is being used, and where we can optimise the workflow. 
     6Assuming it isn't configured to be off, track events should be added to some key action buttons so that the information on what users are doing is logged for analysis. 
     9== Interface == 
     11This could possibly just be a list of JS calls to $('x').click(_gaq.push('track'...)) 
     14== User Stories == 
     16 * As a developer I would like to know which components of the system are used the most so I can streamline the processes. 
     18 * As a support developer I would like to know which parts add complexity to the system for minimal gain and could possibly be removed, de-prioritised. 
     21== Tasks == 
     23[ ] Analysis/Clarification 
     25[ ] Code/Config changes 
     27[ ] Documentation 
     30== Estimates == 