
Version 21 (modified by dread, 3 years ago) (diff)


About CKAN Releases

The OKF aims to make releases CKAN regularly - minor points every two months. Find releases at: PyPI. See the changes at on the Changelog.

See also: VersioningPolicy

Branching for CKAN release - beta release

Branch and release a 'beta' when you have new features you want to burn in. We normally try out a beta release on for a week before it is released properly.

  1. Run the most thorough tests on the code.
  2. Create the branch for the new version, named without the beta letter and according to the branch naming policy :
    $ hg branch release-v1.2
  3. Change the version number to the new version, but 'beta' in ckan/ e.g. 1.2b (this will show-up in the web interface, bottom-right corner.)
  4. Change the pip-requirements.txt to refer to the new branch (buildbot will fail if you forget):
    -e hg+[email protected]#egg=ckan
    # CKAN dependencies
  5. Commit these changes:
    $ hg ci -m '[release]: branch.'
  6. Get merge to default right with new version number:
    $ hg up default
    $ hg merge -r release-v1.2
    Edit ckan/ with incremented number but alpha: e.g. 1.2a And edit pip-requirements.txt to use default branch not the release branch.
  7. Commit the change and push everything:
    $ hg ci -m '[merge,release]: Merge from release branch and increment version number in anticipation of next version.'
    $ hg push

Doing a proper CKAN release

Once the beta has been tested manually on a live instance for a week you can do a release.

  1. Run the most thorough tests.
  2. Summarise the tickets going in this release in the ckan/doc/CHANGELOG.rst
  3. Remove the beta letter in the version number in ckan/ e.g. 1.1b -> 1.1
  4. Commit this change.
  5. Update the internationalization POT file and commit it:
    $ python extract_messages
    $ hg ci -m '[i18n]: Updated POT ready for release.' ckan/i18n/ckan.pot
  6. Compile the docs:
    $ python build_sphinx
  7. Upload docs to
    $  rsync build/sphinx/html/*.html [email protected]:/home/okfn/var/srvc/
    Check it is displayed at:
  8. Tag the repo with the version number (commits change). (add -f to the tag if you want to overwrite a previous tag with this release) e.g.
    $ hg tag ckan-1.1 -m 'Release 1.1'
    $ hg push
  9. Upload the release to PyPI (If you make a mistake, you can always go into to remove the release file and then reupload it.)
    python sdist upload
  10. Close branch and merge to default:
    $ hg ci -m '[branch] close.' --close-branch
    $ hg up default
    $ hg merge -r release-v1.3.2
    $ hg revert ckan/ pip-requirements.txt 
    $ nosetests --ckan ckan/tests
    $ hg ci -m '[merge] from release-v1.3.2.'
    $ hg push
  11. If there have been any unreleased changes to OKF dependencies like vdm, ckanclient, datautil etc. make sure you release them too.
  1. Write a CKAN Blog post and email to ckan-discuss about the release, including the bit of changelog.

ckanclient releases

  1. Increase version number in ckanclient/
  2. Add a changelog for this new version in ckanclient/
  3. Check-in the changes
  4. Tag the version:
     $ hg tag "ckanclient-v0.5"
  5. Create a PYPI config file (~/.pypirc) if necessary:
    index-servers =
    username: joebloggs
    password: mypassword
  6. Produce the distribution and upload to PYPI
    $ python sdist upload
  7. See the upload here:
  8. Check that the for various branches of CKAN have the new version in their range (as appropriate).
  9. Check that the various pip-requirements.txt files also match the new version (as appropriate).

vdm releases

  1. Increase version number in vdm/
  2. Add a changelog for this new version in vdm/CHANGELOG.txt
  3. Check-in the changes
  4. Tag the version:
     $ hg tag "vdm-0.8"
  5. Create a PYPI config file (~/.pypirc) if necessary:
    index-servers =
    username: joebloggs
    password: mypassword
  6. Produce the distribution and upload to PYPI
    $ python sdist upload
  7. See the upload here:
  8. Check that the for various branches of CKAN have the new version in their range (as appropriate).
  9. Check that the various pip-requirements.txt files also match the new version (as appropriate).