
Version 6 (modified by dread, 4 years ago) (diff)


About Releases

The OKF aims to make releases CKAN regularly - minor points every two months. Find releases at: PyPI. See the changes at on the Changelog.

Doing a CKAN release

  1. Test the code satisfactorily.
  2. Summarise the tickets going in this release in the ckan/doc/CHANGELOG.rst
  3. Remove the pre-release letter in the version number in ckan/ e.g. 1.1c -> 1.1
  4. Commit this change.
  5. Compile the docs:
    $ python build_sphinx
  6. Upload docs to knowledgeforge.
  7. Tag the repo with the version number (commits change). (add -f to the tag if you want to overwrite a previous tag with this release) e.g.
    $ hg tag ckan-1.1 -m 'Release 1.1'
    $ hg push
  8. Upload the release to PyPI (If you make a mistake, you can always go into PyPI, remove the release file and then reupload it.)
    python sdist upload
  9. Change the version number to the next version alpha in ckan/ e.g. 1.2a
  10. Commit and push this change.
  11. Bring metastable branch in line with default:
    $ hg up -C metastable
    $ hg merge -r default
    $ nosetests ckan/tests
    $ hg ci -m '[merge] from release 1.1.'
    $ hg push
    $ hg up -C default
    $ hg merge -r metastable
    $ hg ci -m '[merge] from metastable.'
    $ hg push
  12. Merge the release to the bitbucket i18n repo and recreate the pot:
  13. If there have been any unreleased changes to vdm, make sure you release that too.