{10} Active Tickets (ckan) (483 matches)

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Results (1 - 100 of 483)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2466 Fix spam handling on trac ckan ckan-v1.9 task seanh accepted 05/28/12
#1544 delete old git branches ckan ckan-backlog task new 12/12/11
#2957 New datastore on postgres prior to 9.0 ckan task new 10/03/12
#1384 CKAN wiki needs updating to refer to thedatahub.org instead of ckan.net and datasets instead of packages ckan ckan-backlog task rgrp new 10/12/11
#2960 Private datasets are not private ckan ckan-backlog task new 10/08/12
#2382 Investigate options for basic geocoding ckan ckan-future task amercader new 05/14/12
#256 Package relationships - 3. Edit in WUI ckan ckan-backlog requirement assigned 02/23/10
#653 Trackback links for packages ckan ckan-backlog requirement new 09/21/10
#818 Rethinking the author and maintainer fields ckan ckan-backlog requirement new 11/17/10
#1273 Create docs for API v3 ckan ckan-backlog requirement new 08/15/11
#2546 ODS Managing homepage content ckan ckan-backlog requirement assigned 06/18/12
#2277 Use the new atom feeds in IATI ckan ckan-backlog refactor icmurray new 04/02/12
#2603 Remove deprecated 'fields' parameter from resource_search ckan ckan-v1.9 refactor icmurray new 06/26/12
#2621 Remove the deprecated 'fields' parameter from tag_search and tag_autocomplete ckan ckan-v1.9 refactor icmurray new 06/28/12
#2915 Refactor form_to_db_schema_options() ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 09/12/12
#2981 Remove config from jinja templates ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2982 Move functionality from controllers into template helpers ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2983 Refactor lib/base.py to remove circular import issues ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2984 Auto-populate context with user, model, session, etc. ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2985 Make lib/helpers.py more template-specific ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2986 Make lib/base.py more like it was originally intended ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#2987 Remove all direct calls to logic action and auth functions ckan ckan 2.0 refactor new 10/15/12
#1800 Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/get.py ckan ckan-future refactor new 02/16/12
#2582 Do not hide notes / readme on dataset pages ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement new 06/21/12
#2766 prevent draft datasets making it to activity stream ckan demo phase 4 enhancement seanh assigned 07/26/12
#1198 Publisher hierarchy ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 06/23/11
#1466 Need to support https login for multiple instances as part of the CKAN package install ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 11/15/11
#1832 dataset purge API ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 02/24/12
#2751 check translations for full demo site ckan demo phase 5 enhancement toby new 07/25/12
#1244 Notes field carriage-returns converted to CRLF ckan enhancement assigned 07/26/11
#1322 Action API improvements ckan enhancement assigned 09/08/11
#1460 Improve extensions documentation ckan enhancement assigned 11/12/11
#1689 List deleted datasets in API ckan enhancement kindly assigned 01/20/12
#2635 Non-destructive SOLR reindex ckan enhancement new 07/09/12
#3011 Recline fixes and updates for CKAN 2.0 ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement johnglover new 11/07/12
#3017 New stable branch for the demo server ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement johnglover new 11/13/12
#1041 Start Using the CKAN Wiki for Tutorial-style documentation ckan ckan-backlog enhancement thejimmyg assigned 03/16/11
#1163 Improvements to Storage Extension ckan ckan-backlog enhancement rgrp new 05/26/11
#1168 Test system for deb packaging ckan ckan-backlog enhancement thejimmyg assigned 05/26/11
#1257 Anti-Spam tools ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 08/02/11
#1262 Enforce "create-user" permission ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 08/03/11
#1286 Remove remaining formalchemy stuff ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 08/23/11
#1311 Modal user register and login form ckan ckan-backlog enhancement rgrp new 09/06/11
#1343 [super] User related improvements (login, user pages etc) ckan ckan-backlog enhancement rgrp new 09/14/11
#1352 Use logic functions instead of as_dict when indexing entities ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 09/21/11
#1439 Action API discoverablility ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 11/01/11
#1489 Updating example theme/extension ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 11/24/11
#1534 Change revisions to record userid rather than username ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 12/07/11
#1542 Buttons to purge spam datasets and groups ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 12/08/11
#1584 QA report improvements - 2.5d ckan ckan-backlog enhancement johnglover new 12/21/11
#1588 QA - Give SPARQL endpoints a 4 star rating ckan ckan-backlog enhancement johnglover new 12/21/11
#1589 QA - Give 5 star rating to datasets with link metadata ckan ckan-backlog enhancement johnglover new 12/21/11
#1827 'Register' link should be hidden if you not allowed to register ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 02/22/12
#989 Extending the model from plugins ckan ckan-future enhancement kindly new 02/14/11
#1235 [super] Search Improvements ckan ckan-future enhancement new 07/20/11
#1438 Action API - parameter discovery/checking ckan ckan-future enhancement new 11/01/11
#1818 Spatial metadata editor ckan ckan-future enhancement amercader new 02/20/12
#2279 Write tutorial for our DataStore API / Data Explorer ckan ckan-v1.8 enhancement rgrp new 04/03/12
#2363 Documentation of best caching practice. ckan ckan-v1.8 enhancement toby new 05/01/12
#2430 Look into marking tickets as dependent on other tickets in trac ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement seanh accepted 05/25/12
#2431 Trac git integration ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement seanh accepted 05/25/12
#2733 Datastore logic functions ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement johnglover new 07/23/12
#2790 logic.action.user_show is slow ckan demo phase 4 enhancement kindly new 08/01/12
#2357 Create build script for front-end resources ckan demo phase 5 enhancement aron.carroll accepted 05/01/12
#2641 Adapt spatial widgets to new theme ckan demo phase 5 enhancement johnmartin assigned 07/09/12
#2673 simplify set of options for resources ckan enhancement new 07/14/12
#2947 Redirect to the resource page from /resource/{res-id} ckan enhancement new 10/01/12
#3026 Support icons on nav_named_link ckan enhancement amercader new 11/30/12
#1171 Citation instructions on dataset and resource view pages ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement mark.wainwright assigned 06/01/11
#2831 Create a limited subset of markdown that's supported ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 08/09/12
#2951 Paster command for building css from less ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/01/12
#2952 incorporate javascriopt translations into translations workflow ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement seanh new 10/01/12
#2996 Fix behaviour of View Profile button in user popover when already on user's profile ckan ckan 2.0 enhancement new 10/17/12
#143 Most active users listed on homepage ckan ckan-backlog enhancement thejimmyg assigned 10/08/09
#924 Search box has no search button ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 01/24/11
#1259 "Add a row" for Extras on Package form ckan ckan-backlog enhancement johnglover new 08/02/11
#1314 ckanclient search - generator improvements ckan ckan-backlog enhancement assigned 09/07/11
#1326 Write a set of auth plugin functions to integrate with Druapl ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 09/12/11
#1393 Don't skip search tests ckan ckan-backlog enhancement johnglover assigned 10/13/11
#1424 Openness notice should be clearer ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 10/26/11
#2247 Resource preview glitch in some browsers ckan ckan-backlog enhancement new 03/20/12
#2310 Refactor the search-query construction in feeds.py ckan ckan-backlog enhancement icmurray new 04/16/12
#763 Read-only mode - Setup ckan ckan-future enhancement assigned 10/26/10
#948 Highlight (to a sysadmin) which packages are deleted ckan ckan-future enhancement assigned 02/02/11
#1285 Errors cause emails ckan ckan-future enhancement assigned 08/23/11
#1581 Blog post about Google Analytics extension for CKAN ckan ckan-future enhancement mark.wainwright@… new 12/20/11
#2301 Replace old-style string formatting with format() method (at least in strings marked for translation) ckan ckan-future enhancement seanh new 04/16/12
#2326 dataset permalinks ckan ckan-future enhancement toby new 04/25/12
#2348 Java client library for CKAN ckan ckan-future enhancement assigned 05/01/12
#2203 Data Viewer support for PDF ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement kindly assigned 03/04/12
#2243 Fix ckanext-example ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement seanh reopened 03/19/12
#2298 Add sort-by controls to the search results page ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement icmurray new 04/16/12
#2341 Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches that contain model changes ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement seanh accepted 05/01/12
#2342 Fix Jenkins issue when testing branches with different solr schema versions ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement seanh accepted 05/01/12
#2350 Hooks in package controller for validating form data ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement icmurray new 05/01/12
#2530 DataHub purge fails on some revisions ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement kindly new 06/15/12
#2679 Change default behaviour of TemplateController.view to 404. ckan ckan-v1.9 enhancement icmurray new 07/16/12
#2336 Move Jenkins' install script into ckan core so it can be versioned ckan ckanbuild enhancement seanh accepted 04/30/12
#2446 Create demo dataset history/comparison page ckan demo phase 4 enhancement johnmartin assigned 05/28/12
#2457 Create demo tags list page ckan demo phase 4 enhancement johnmartin assigned 05/28/12
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