Ticket #2790 (new enhancement) — at Initial Version

Opened 21 months ago

Last modified 21 months ago

logic.action.user_show is slow

Reported by: toby Owned by: kindly
Priority: major Milestone: demo phase 4
Component: ckan Keywords:
Cc: Repository: ckan
Theme: none


This is a very slow call it would benefit from the sort of speed-ups that package-search received

for me locally this is taking 6 seconds for rufus using the datahub data I have I think a lot of this is the dataset retrival/dictization can we just grab json blobs from solr?

also is it possible to specify a sort order/paging?

I've put this as a demo-theme ticket as it is an big issue on the demo we are at 25 second page loads - which i can get down to about 8.8 secs so this is the main pain point now

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