Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#1559 Comments Extension / Disqus rgrp enhancement major fixed 2 years
#1616 Catch exceptions when rebuilding the search index amercader defect major fixed 2 years
#2216 Translation of selected facets on search pages seanh enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2224 Simplify javascript and css dependencies and add minified version rgrp enhancement major wontfix 2 years
#2231 Base harvester broken on 1.6.1 amercader defect critical fixed 2 years
#2232 Unicode Exception when rebuilding the search index amercader defect major fixed 2 years
#2240 Document CityData ideas ross enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2241 Look into making faster seanh refactor awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2242 Research buildbot possibilities for CKAN seanh enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2245 Update documentation for writing CKAN extensions johnglover enhancement minor fixed 2 years
#2248 Update docs for creating custom forms johnglover enhancement minor fixed 2 years
#2249 Fix google spreadsheet to work with DataStore. kindly enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2266 Can't delete all of a package's resources over REST API dread defect critical fixed 2 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.